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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Minding Your Business-Nike on how setting an ‘audacious goal’ helped the brand work differently

Unprecedented access to the athletes’ journeys as they attempted to run the first sub-two hour marathon was at the heart of #Breaking2’s global appeal, says Nike brand communications director Mark McCambridge.

Nike Breaking 2
When Nike announced its ambition to break the two-hour marathon barrier in December 2016 observers questioned whether it would really be possible to achieve the “holy grail of running”.
The aim of the project was to shave a few minutes off the current men’s world record time of 2:02:57 and by doing so challenge expectations around what is possible in sport, all framed around in-depth athlete storytelling.

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Brand communications director Mark McCambridge was working in the Nike running group during the project’s early stages as the organisation began bringing together a cross-functional group of engineers, designers, bio-mechanists, nutritionists and physiologists to work on the record attempt.
Despite the audacity of the project, which caught headlines worldwide and was named one of Marketing Week’s campaigns of the year in 2017, McCambridge explains #Breaking2 wasn’t devised as a publicity stunt.
“A lot has been written about #Breaking2 as a very clever marketing stunt, but the objective behind the project was never to make it a marketing stunt,” he states.
“Its driving intent was really to see if people are capable of running that fast and taking down what many people viewed as an impossible barrier.”
Had we taken it on as a solely Nike project and not brought in National Geographic as a partner it would have limited our ability to reach people.
Mark McCambridge, Nike
Three distance runners – Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya, Ethiopian Lelisa Desisa and Zersenay Tadese of Eritrea – were challenged to run the 26.2 mile course in under two hours wearing Nike’s new Zoom Vaporfly Elite racing shoe.
Scheduled to take place on 6 May 2017 at the Formula One track in Monza, Italy, the race was always intended to be streamed live on social media, allowing fans to track the runners’ progress in real time.
McCambridge, with a background in photojournalism, sensed the potential for capturing the story as a long-form documentary, focusing on the athlete’s stories. Working with media partner National Geographic, the idea behind the film was to harness all the content shot on the journey to Monza, from training and the science behind the record attempt, to the race day.
“We weren’t trying to make anything up in this, we weren’t marketing for marketing’s sake and it was a genuine story that happened,” McCambridge stresses.
“In my world there is a sense of obligation to share that story and finding the right way to do it. Had we taken it on as a solely Nike project and not brought in National Geographic as a partner it would have limited our ability to reach people.”
While the documentary was a way of taking a deeper look at the #Breaking2 process, Nike also wanted to give the record attempt context in the live setting by creating 60- to 90-second pieces of cut away footage about the athletes as individuals.
Then to drive the conversation on the ground Nike hired American sports presenter Sal Masekela to front the live coverage and had Hollywood actor Kevin Hart working on the sidelines as a reporter.
On the ground in Monza, Nike also had a partnership with Airbnb giving 10 fans staying at a campsite adjacent to the racetrack the chance to witness the record attempt in person, as well as meet some of the athletes and pacers.
“This type of stuff happens as close to organically as it can because so many facets of this project are in a spirit of ‘let’s try things, let’s partner with people, let’s see if we can reach the moon’,” explains McCambridge.
“Once you set an audacious goal, especially when it is seemingly impossible, it allows people to kind of work differently. The media partnerships that we had with platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and their openness to seeing what the possibilities were going to be for engagement, also made that live element something that was so impactful.”

Global footprint

Despite the fact Kipchoge was 25 seconds shy of beating the two-hour mark, #Breaking2 was a worldwide PR success. Some 13.1 million people watched the record attempt live across Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, according to Nike figures.
The term #Breaking2 generated 84,459 mentions on social media from 6 to 8 May alone, as reported by media monitoring tool Meltwater, and notched up a further 140,029 mentions across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook during the six months between the announcement of the record attempt and the date of the race.
Nike Breaking 2
Timing the marathon to start at 5.45am local time in Italy was not some corporate strategy to reach all the key global markets, but instead was chosen because it was the right timing for the athletes.
“If we had been a ruthless media company we wouldn’t have run it at the worst possible time slot in major markets around the world,” McCambridge reflects.
“I think 18% of the live viewership actually came from Japan, because there is such a high use of Twitter, it was also the most advantageous time slot for prime time, online viewership. It transcended even the barrier of language.”
Since its release in September, the feature length #Breaking2 documentary has clocked up over 2.5 million views on National Geographic’s YouTube channel alone.
The documentary enabled Nike to bring the voice of the athlete to people in a more intimate way than the brand had ever done before, says McCambridge, due largely to the “unprecedented” access the team were granted to Kipchoge, Desisa and Tadese.
He also recognises that as a brand Nike could have “failed pretty gloriously” on a project like this, but crucially the human element really shone through. As a result the legacy of #Breaking2 – for Nike at least – will be bringing to life the human stories behind sport.
“The key is finding narratives, bringing them to life and sharing them in a way that is so intrinsically rooted in human potential that it’s hugely motivating. It can be daunting at times to find other stories that have the same level of resonance, but the benefit for any of us that work in Nike is that sport is an infinite playing field of those types of moments,” McCambridge adds.
“The other key learning is looking at how you assemble the right team, because many times if you start from a point where you believe you have everything sorted out and you know the best way to do everything it doesn’t allow for true creativity to come through.”

US Sports Net High School Football Featuring: Bishop Gorman (NV) vs De La Salle (CA) | HSFB | UTR Highlight Mix 2018 and Sport Specific Speed

Bishop Gorman (NV) vs De La Salle (CA) | HSFB | UTR Highlight Mix 2018 [This Video and More Below]

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Sport Specific Speed

Michael Boyle
I get this question all the time. I need to develop speed for ______. Can you help? The reality is that speed is speed and that the sport really doesn't matter. Fast is fast!
One of my favorite quotes came from Marco Cardinale who was in charge of sports science for the London Olympics. Every coach came to him and wanted a specific program. Cardinale told them:
" your sport is not different, you just think it is"
Strength and conditioning and logically speed development really doesn't change as much as coaches would like to believe.I wrote this a few weeks ago:
"I can't get away from the "sports specific" training thing. Every parent I talk to asks the same question. Do you guys do "sports specific training?" It drives me crazy that I have to give the same response over and over. I've taken to saying " I'd love to lie to you but, no".
Then I have to launch into my " there are way more similarities than differences" talk. This is usually met with a parent saying but, " he really just needs to get quicker".
Sorry to vent here but 36 years later it still drives..... Read the Full Article.....

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James Grage: Here’s the thing, I’m not knocking a keto diet because I think the ultimate barometer should be how you feel. So for example, me? On a high-fat, moderate protein, very low-carb diet, I feel awful. Someone else on that exact same diet may feel great. For me, when I keep my proteins a little bit higher, I can bring in some good, healthy fats and not necessarily low-carb, but low glycemic carbs. We already talked about that. You can eat a mountain full of leafy greens and it’s nothing. I mean, you might as well tell me at that point, “Hey James, you want to try to get 400 grams of carbs a day through salad? Go for it.” Not like you could do it.
Dr. Brett Osborn: No. It’s just not gonna happen. I also think that the biochemical underpinning of that point has to do with how carbohydrate sensitive an individual is, independent of anything else. Everyone has a level of carbohydrate sensitivity, which is genetically determined. You’re not going to feel real good on something that’s low carbohydrate, James. You, like me, could probably go eat a lot of ice cream and gain very little. Think about what you were like when you were 18. You were probably one of those hard gainer type of guys. I mean, we’re all very lean. If you look back at pictures?
Whitney Reid: Oh ya. I was skinny, I was thin. I could eat whatever I wanted.
Dr. O: Right. Meaning that we were very, very insensitive to carbohydrates.
James: But some people are very carb sensitive.

Dr. O: Correct. People that are very carb sensitive, as you know, well those are the people who are typically overweight. And you know what? They run just fine on their body fat, which they’ve amassed over the years by virtue of their sensitivity to carbohydrates.

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Vaccines: Challenging the Myths with Science

Vaccinating your children is one of the biggest decisions you'll make. Listen as Del Bigtree explains why vaccines aren't as safe as they claim. One thing often missing in vaccine safety trials is a vaccinated vs unvaccinated trial. Watch the video to find out which vaccine was 10 times more likely to result in death for vaccinated children as opposed to unvaccinated children. Are there vaccines that are killing our children? Whether you're pro vaccine or anti-vaccine, we encourage everyone to watch this clip. Stay tuned as Del lists the adverse effects of vaccines, and shows how the package inserts actually warn about these risks. 54% of children in America have a chronic illness. Could this be due to the ever-increasing childhood vaccine schedule? Stick around to the end to discover the connection between increased vaccinations and chronic illness. --------------------------------------------------------- About Del Bigtree --------------------------------------------------------- Del Bigtree was an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors, for six years. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist, he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews, and unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime television. More recently, Bigtree produced the powerful documentary Vaxxed, which interviews parents of vaccine-injured children, seeks to expose CDC fraud, and demands safety studies be conducted on all vaccines. --------------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer LIVE --------------------------------------------------------- On October 5th-7th, 2017, more than 40 of the world’s most renowned and respected cancer and natural health experts came together in Orlando, Fl, for The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Each speaker revealed their latest therapies and breakthroughs to beat, treat, and prevent cancer. The information they shared changed the lives of countless people and gave everyone hope for a cure. Because the truth is: There are MANY different ways to prevent and heal cancer... and we don’t want you to miss a single one. The knowledge you gain from these presentation excerpts can help eliminate the fear of cancer from your life and replace it with hope. -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- Our mission here at The Truth About Cancer is to educate the world on ALL the solutions and choices available to prevent and beat cancer, not just the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation you hear from the conventional cancer establishment. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer and/or preventing it from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. TTAC co-founder Ty Bollinger traveled the country and the globe and sat down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer.

Police Activity Featuring: Man Gets Fatally Shot After Pointing Gun At Colorado Deputies

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has released the identity of a suspect shot and killed by deputies near Sedalia last month, along with body camera and dash-camera footage of the incident that shows frantic officers opening fire on a man they believed had shot at another deputy. The sheriff's office announced Aug. 31 on Twitter that officers had shot and killed an armed suspect, now confirmed as Paul Askins, 61, of Colorado Springs, but declined to release his identity prior to Sept. 17, citing the open investigation. Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock said a routine stop for a traffic violation escalated into the shooting when officers attempted to question Askins, who they now know was wanted for two felony warrants and had a criminal history in Colorado and Texas. “I just wanted to have the opportunity to share with you a little bit of information about what took place on Aug. 31,” Spurlock said at a Sept. 17 news conference. The shooting began when the driver of a pickup truck was pulled over for making an unsafe turn in front of two deputies on US Highway 85 near Delva Road at approximately 4:41 p.m. that day. [Video Below]

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Officers spoke to the truck's occupants for roughly 20 minutes and after checking identifications, learned the driver had a restraining order against her for a man matching Askins' description. Askins was a passenger in the vehicle's backseat.While officers tried to determine if Askins was in fact the protected person in that restraining order, he gave them multiple names, raising their suspicion, Spurlock said. They had asked Askins to get out of the vehicle so they could further question him when he opened the truck's door with a handgun pointed at them. In total, three officers were involved in the shooting — two deputies who made the initial traffic stop while working from the same vehicle and a third undercover officer who was in the area at the time of the call and stopped to assist them. Footage shows the undercover officer and one deputy were to the left and rear of the truck as a third deputy stood on the truck's right, back passenger door where Askins was seated. The deputy asked Askins to exit the truck moments before he opened the door with a gun raised. The deputy sprung back, falling down into the ditch and appeared to shoot at Askins from the ground. Within seconds, all three officers fired their weapons at Askins after he ignored the deputy's command not to move and continued advancing toward the fallen deputy, gun raised. “Shots fired,” an officer shouted as a deputy is seen from his body camera footage reloading his weapon and approaching Askins, who fell to the ground after officers opened fire. Spurlock said the undercover officer and the deputy believed Askins had shot at the deputy standing by his door when they fired their weapons. All three officers were placed on administrative leave and two have returned to duty. The third has not returned for reasons unrelated to the case, Spurlock said. The sheriff confirmed in the Sept. 17 news conference Askins was wanted for felony charges and likely gave officer multiple names to avoid being identified. Spurlock said they are still determining if the gun he attempted to use against officers was legally purchased. Court records show Askins was charged with a slew of felonies from El Paso County, including drug possession, felony menacing with a real or simulated weapon and sexual contact without consent, among others. The active warrants were for second-degree burglary and failure to appear in court, according to the sheriff's office. Three people — two women and a man — were in the truck with Askins but none were injured or charged with crimes related to this or other incidents. Some details in the case haven't been released yet because the investigation is on-going, Spurlock said, including names of the officers involved. The 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office is investigating the shooting to determine if officers were justified in using lethal force. Spurlock said his agency's investigation is being aided by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office. Donate to PoliceActivity:

Jesse Duplantis-The Storm May Blow But The Faith Walk Continues and A REASON TO CELEBRATE by Taffi Dollar |

Watch more messages like this at! Jesse will help you to understand the power of Christ that lives within you so that you can follow the Word of God, speak to life's storms, and defeat the enemy's attacks on your life.


by Taffi Dollar 

For many, life may consist of a series of painful struggles and setbacks. We can become accustomed to the “one step forward, two steps back” syndrome of trying to make progress. Living like this may be acceptable in the world, but it’s not what God wants for us. Discovering exactly what He does want for us gives us a reason to celebrate.
Jesus shed His blood and died on the cross to redeem us from barely scraping by in life, and to offer us new lives on a higher level. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14). To be redeemed is to be free from whatever distresses or harms us, or to be released from blame. Up to this point, we may have been suffering in self-condemnation for past mistakes we made. However, God has already forgiven us; all we need to do now is forgive ourselves.
We can stop beating ourselves up for what we’ve done wrong because Jesus took all the blame that was meant for us. This forgiveness we have through Him has a healing effect that permeates our entire consciousness and lets us see life in a whole new light. We don’t have to be afraid of God’s wrath or think that He intends to punish us. He punished Jesus for the sins of the whole world, including ours, and now He’s offering the olive branch of peace. “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life” (Romans 5:10).
We’re redeemed from feelings of inferiority and rescued from always losing out. Always coming in last and never being good enough isn’t God’s will for us. Jesus’ death and resurrection changed all that. “If you listen to these commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom” (Deuteronomy 28:13, NLT). In the Old Testament, obeying meant performance and self-effort, but obedience now means to believe in what Jesus did for us.
We’ve also been delivered from fear. Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of what others think of us, or anything else that makes us anxious or timid, fear holds us back from moving forward and doing what we’re called to do. In the Old Testament, fear was what motivated people, but Jesus loved us enough to rescue us from fear. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). We’re strengthened and empowered when we believe this.
God wants the best for us at every level. We’ve been freed from our old lives and offered something new and better. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). We can confidently celebrate our redemption from what used to hurt and hold us down, and joyfully accept the freedom God offers us through Christ.

The Rock Almighty Devotional With Whitecross - Resist Him


“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
Because of what Jesus did, we now have authority over anything that rises up against us. We gain access to this power by faith.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Trending Sports News Featuring: Winners, losers from Monday Night Football in Week 2

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The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Global Health News Episode #28 | CBD Oil & Cancer | Online Censorship | Cell Phone Radiation

Join Ty and Charlene Bollinger for episode #28 of Global Health News! [This Video and More Below] First, they cover a study that paired CBD oil with chemotherapy treatments. Watch the video to hear the results... PLUS more incredible news about CBD's effects on epilepsy. Next, a college student is denied admission because he followed Alex Jones on Twitter. They'll dive deeper into the foundation of freedom of speech and the current suppression of information in the U.S. Have you heard about the "vaccine queen" in China? Discover more about the recent arrest of Gao Junfang for poisoning a half a million children with faulty vaccines. We are happy to see the Chinese government holding all those involved accountable. They'll share more about the dangerous role of corporations in government, censorship, and their role on the road to fascism. Recently, a cancer link was confirmed in the largest ever cell tower radiation study. Hear more about 5G wireless service and the major public health concern it presents. They'll also list a few of the way you can protect yourself from this EMF radiation. We'll wrap up with the latest on carotenoids and the health effects they have on hearing and the brain. We'll leave you with a list of foods filled with these powerful pigments.

The Rock Almighty Devotional and Praise With Guardian - See You In Heaven

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Looking Forward

Adapted from the resource Closer to God Each Day Devotional - by Joyce MeyerSo many people live miserable lives because they are conflicted and feel burdened about the mistakes of their past. If you have been unhappy or discouraged because of the things that have happened in your past, I encourage you to change your thinking and set your focus in a whole new direction. Determine to be what God wants you to be, to have what God wants you to have, and to receive what Jesus died to give you.  
Your new life in Christ means that you have been completely forgiven of all your sins. God has wiped your slate clean and taken up residence in your heart. You can let the past go and begin to get excited about your future.  
When you feel discouraged, say, “I am not going to live in bondage anymore. I cannot do anything about what I have done in the past, but I can do something about my future. I am going to enjoy my life and have what Jesus died for me to have. I am going to let go of the past and go on pursuing God from this day forth!”  
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God.  
Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for new beginnings and for making all things new. Please help me to let go of the past and embrace the good plan You have for my future. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.