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Showing posts with label domains. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Minding Your Business Earning money as a successful freelancer

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business

Earning money as a successful freelancer
By: Solomon Ayodeji

The clear and simple meaning of freelancing is to have different short-term assignments, contracts or jobs with number of websites, companies, organizations which would earn one money without any long-term contract.

The Internet has greatly expanded opportunities to earn money working as a freelancer. Approximately 10.3 million Americans work for themselves, a number that is expected to grow in the future. Freelancing can be freeing, as the name suggests, as well as empowering and challenging

Methods of Becoming a Successful Freelancer to Earn Money.

1 Decide on your craft. Decide what type of freelance work you are committed to doing. Freelancing jobs are as broad as the work force, and you need identify what it is you want to do before you can begin to do it. View your skills as valuable resources that are worth charging and receiving pay for.

Reflect on what you're good at. Just about every type of skill can be turned into a freelancing opportunity. Keep in mind that you're "secondary" skills, like researching and writing, for example, can be just as useful as a specific set of skills unique to a profession (e.g., graphic designer or computer programming). If you know you're a strong writer, then you could develop a freelance writing business.

It's very easy to believe that you don't have the necessary skills or experience, but in fact you actually need very little experience in order to get started freelancing. Instead, believe in your abilities and focus on producing good work.

2 Create a brand. To get your freelancing operation off the ground and becoming profitable, you need to think about how you will market yourself and your products/work. This is called branding. You need to create a brand for your what you're selling and how it sets you apart from the competition - this is your "identity and includes your website, logo, tagline, blog, and social media accounts, among other aspects.

Your brand should clearly communicate what you do that is special and what you offer that is worth buying. Try to narrow your focus to a specific industry. For example, if you decide you want to do freelance writing, you might only decide to write for online travel sites and business and thus be a freelance travel writer. Or you might decide you want to write for business and corporate websites.

Specializing within the field (in this case, the very broad field of writing) will make you more attractive to potential clients because it shows you have a particular rather than a generic set of skills, also known as a niche.

However, don't let the brand be your primary focus. You could have a huge Instagram or Twitter following, but that doesn't really pay the bills. Don't worry about followers or retweets, and instead focusing on producing quality work. That's the ultimate way to build your freelancing business and earn money.

3 Build a portfolio showcasing your work. A lot of potential clients are less interested in your specific qualifications than in a demonstrated ability to do the job. They want to see samples of your work and decide whether you're a good fit for their particular project. So building a strong portfolio of your work (samples as well as past projects) is key to building your business and in fact, you shouldn't launch your freelancing business until you have this portfolio. Include as well testimonials of people and organizations who you've worked with. Reading glowing reviews will help boost your profile among prospective clients.

Generating submissions for your portfolio takes time and resources. If you have no paid assignments or previous work to put in a portfolio, create some by offering your services pro bono or taking your free time to produce some.

Remember that more is not always better. Although volume can be good and help with self-promotion, it's also important to try to incorporate some bigger and higher profile jobs, rather than just building a portfolio full of the smallest and least lucrative projects. If you want to make big money by working with high-paying clients, then you need to show those clients that you can produce the kind of work they're looking for. Again, consider offering pro bono when you're first starting out.

Don't launch your freelancing career until you've actually created the products or provided the services you plan to sell. Having the portfolio shows clients that you've actually done what you're telling them you can do.

4 Develop business-savvy skills. You may be a freelancer, but you also need to be a business man or woman. To successfully earn money as a freelancer and turn it into a career, you need to become familiar with the basics of operating a business, like taxes, bookkeeping, marketing, etc. In many cases, these business basics will take more time than the actual freelance service or product you offer!

Consider talking to friends (in real life or online) who've earned money freelancing about the business ins and outs. You could also consult a number of books and online sites about how to start up a business from the ground.

Although it might seem premature to worry about the "business" of your freelance work, having a business model with goals, deliverables, benchmarks, and so on can help you determine the scope and scale of your freelancing operation. A clear business model, and transparent accounts and books, will also show clients that you're the real deal - a professional freelancer and not just someone working in their pajamas at home.

5 Set up an invoicing system. Part of doing freelancing as a way to earn real money means setting up a system for charging and receiving payment. Before you reach out to potential clients and start actually doing the freelancing work, be ready for it. It's a lot easier to keep up with accounting and invoicing along the way, rather than leaving it until later on or even until the dreaded tax season. Create a financial framework that will make it easy for you to keep organized financial money. Doing this will also help you track how much money you're earning and whether you're making a profit. Consider doing the following:

Set prices for the services or products you offer. Figure out if you charge an hourly rate or per piece/product. Be ready to explain how you charge for what you're offering (i.e., the breakdown).

6 Create invoice templates. Using a word-processing tool (like Microsoft Excel, for example), design an invoice that has all of the important information (service rendered, cost, payment, addresses of the payee and payer, etc.).

Establish an accounting plan and consider opening up a business bank account. Often banks have special services and fees for business bank accounts.

Look into how much you should be charging and setting aside for taxes.

Merchant Solutions, ecommerce, yahoo store, Yahoo! Small Business, business to business, online store, commerce, small business, domains, web hosting, business mail, Aabaco,

Monday, June 11, 2018

Minding Your Business-101 muscular ways to get more targeted traffic to your sites/blogs today!

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Doug Purcell

I decided to put together a blog post about traffic because whatever you are doing online you have to get traffic…. period. If you are not getting traffic, then there is no way you can monetize off your site. Therefore, I decided to put together a blog post for all you freebie seekers :). Some of these techniques you may already know which is great. However, are you applying them? If not then when will you? You just have to stop being lazy and actually apply these techniques ;).Implement this techniques on your website and make hope to make money online more stronger, Okay, so here is the list, hope you enjoy. If you feel that this blog post will help anyone then feel free to pass it around, but the article must remain in tact the way it is, enjoy.

101 ways to get more traffic

1. Write and submit articles :). It is a classic, but it works. This will be indefinite traffic stuck in the search engines for you. Write quality unique articles, not articles that are rehashed or provide no insight to readers, which is a huge problem these days.

2. Write and submit press releases, think prweb after you do one.

3. Write and ping blog entries. Always make sure to link back to your website with your blog posts. Try making multiple blogs and have them all link back to one main site.

4. Make sure your website is listed in: Local and International Directories

5. Advertise your website in the appropriate categories at Craigslist. Try posting your ads in the most populated cities in the world.

6. If a niche related forum that you frequently visit allows signatures, then make sure to add your website url in there.

7. Make sure to view related products on You can try and take some customers from your competitors here by providing your own url if the product is similar.

8. Review websites in your niche on Alexa to try to take some of their traffic by including a reference back to your site.

9. Review some related products on epinion.

10. If you purchase a product that you actually like, then feel free to give an individual respect when respect is due and leave a testimonial. You should be able to get some traffic from that website if your testimonial is left with a url.

11. Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website url as a signature.

12. Keep updating content on your websites/blogs… try at least once per week.

13. Tag blog posts at social bookmarking sites, especially at

14. Add photos to your blog with appropriate keywords.

15. Tag blog photos at Flickr.

16. Politely ask your readers to subscribe to your rss feeds.

17. Try coining your own term. Might want to trademark it if you smell that it will become popular.

18. Encourage readers to comment on your blogs.

19. Include translation for your websites/blogs, especially in Chinese.

20. Do not be boring, write about something that a wide select of people would want to know about.

21. Make sure to edit your writing (unlike what im doing :D).

22. Comment on other related blogs.

23. Make a custom 404-error page for your website. You can provide a link back to your main website or even try to monetize it by offering a related affiliate program within your niche.

24. Sponsor a charity, most charities will link back to your website, and you are also doing a good deed :).

25. Sell an item on eBay as a charity auction. Most charities will link back to both your auction and your main website.

26. Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.

27. Brand your website with a logo and a slogan/catch phrase. Think IBM.

28. Hold a crazy contest that people in your niche will talk about. This will equal more links and traffic to your website.

29. Build a tool that individuals in your niche will love and enjoy. Then give it away for free. If the tool is helpful, then you will get quality one-way links to your website.

30. Contact small newsletters sources offline and submit articles to them.

31. Become friends with editors of an offline publication.

32. Give speeches offline. Start small and local. Also, do not forget to participate in toastmasters meetings in your area.

33. Have a GREAT product. All of the marketing/advertising in the world will do you NO good if your product is sub par. 34. Make something innovative. If you are selling information, what makes your content something you cannot get from the local bookstore, Barnes and noble or even eBay for that matter?

35. Is your product groundbreaking? Will you leave individuals with no choice but to talk about your product or service?

36. Are you selling something that wide groups of people want to know about but there is limited/scarce knowledge?

37. Write good content, if your writing is good then people will share it with their friends. In addition, webmasters will use it as content on their website with a reference back to your article, or at least they should.

38. Spark emotions. If you get people emotional about something then they will most likely talk about it.

39. Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.

40. Build a list of subscribers. Your list is like a golden asset to you if utilized correctly.

41. Write tip articles, such as “Ten easy tips to blank-blank-blank.”

42. Buy traffic from the search engines by utilizing one of their PPC campaigns.

43. Open up a myspace account and find targeted friends so that you can promote your services to them. Do not spam people, myspace is cracking down on spammers and are starting to sue people.

44. Solicit a link from your local chamber of commerce.

45. Have an easy to remember domain name. If your domain name is too long or not memorable then people may forget your site.

46. Add a bookmark option to your website/blogs.

47. Purchase the misspelled versions of your domain name and have it redirect to your main one.

48. Use keywords in your image alt tags.

49. Make sure to include appropriate keywords in your title tag, search engines show more prominence or importance to keywords here.

50. Place appropriate keywords in your anchor text when linking.

51. If you have a profile anywhere online, always include appropriate keywords and link back to your website.

52. Try to get links from websites within your niche with a high pr (pagerank). Some webmasters say that pagerank is not important, but do not listen to them, they have no idea what they are talking about :). The more one-way links (inbound links/backlinks) you have to your website, the higher your pr will become. Pagerank is important because websites with higher prs tend to have a higher search results in Google. It is a no brainier that if you can get number one for a competitive keyword then you will have enough traffic that you can handle… oh by the way its all free targeted traffic to remind you.

53. Outsource grunt work. Time is in essence money…. you can hire individuals at freelance services to send emails, request JV proposals, or to answer questions from prospective or current customers. 54. Offer something for FREE. Abracadabra is not the magic word, FREE is. It is like a worm on a pole for a fish in the water…. its bait! Offer a free mini course or free ebook to help collect more subscribers. You can always offer a backend to monetize on this opportunity, such as an affiliate product for example.

55. After someone orders from you offer a one-time offer that compliments your product. For example, if I offered a traffic ebook, then after the individual purchase it would make sense for me to offer a traffic conversion bonus for a limited time only.

56. Become the virus within your niche. Make yourself the bug and have people talking about your product. When people talk about your product then you can induce the viral effect. However, you must give people a reason to talk about you, and being like everyone else is not one.

57. Do your research and find expensive niches to tap into. A good way to do this is to find how expensive someone is paying for a keyword on a PPC search engine. If you can sell items that are more expensive more often then it is a quicker way to get rich :D.

58. Become an active respected member of niche related forums. You can do this by offering quality posts. Hint Hint, it is not the number of posts you make, it is the quality. Remember, quality or quantity. Many useless or negative posts will have people looking at you funny.

59. Test, test, test. Your flushing money down the toilet if your not testing to see what campaigns are bringing you in the most money compared to which ones are costing you money. When you test, you can eliminate the campaigns that are costing you dollars so that you can properly maximize your marketing efforts. Without proper testing, you are pretty much lost and can’t improve. You can only guess to what has or what is working. With proper testing, you do not guess, you know.

60. Stay up to date on what is going on in the world, you can monetize off hot topic trends.

61. Network, when you know more people you can find people that can help you get what you need.

62. Offer an affiliate program for your product or service. Make sure to let your satisfied customers know that you have one, if they like your product then they will be even more delighted to know that they will get money for referring you.

63. Write and give away a free ebook or report. It does not have to be long as long as its quality information neatly formatted and put together. You can also make a brandable ebook or report and allow affiliates the opportunity to brand their affiliate links in there to pass on to the next individual. You can then send this ebook to your subscribers or submit it to ebook directories.

64. Add viral components to your blog such as social bookmarking options, and a refer a friend option.

65. Be funny, people like something that will make them laugh and they will spread it for you if it is a genius idea.

66. Syndicate your content by using an RSS feeds on your website.

67. Answer people’s questions on Yahoo! answers with a link to your website in the sources area.

68. Put a link in the “about me” section of your eBay profile.

69. Make and upload a viral video to you tube. Use appropriate keywords in the video description for your target audience.

70. Record an informative podcast and submit them to poplar podcast directories.

71. Provide helpful answers for Google adsense on their help forum with a link back to your website. Go here to check it out:

72. Get people to comment and add content to your site. When they do this, they will provide you unique content, no need to pay for ghostwritten articles.

73. If you cannot get JVs, then try to bribe webmasters for sponsored advertising space on their newsletters.

74. Include a media section on your website so that you will give the media an easy way to stay up to date on what your company is doing.

75. Try to teach a class at your local community college or university. The more exposure you get in the public, the more credibility you will receive.

76. Make a screensaver and make it easy for individuals in your niche to download it. Have eye candy graphics combined with your company logo to brand yourself.

77. Write something controversial and spread it freely to your target market. It can be something as idiotic as the Da Vinci code, but as long people talk about it, its a successful campaign. A few hints, something controversial is something that goes against established beliefs in your market.

78. Write and publish a book. Having your own book is a quick way to gain credibility.

79. Take a guru in your niche out to lunch, and pay for it.

80. Start an organization or club about something. This can be done online through Yahoo! or Google groups.

81. Volunteer. Donate your time to a good clause…you can always network with people and form connections at the same time.

82. Get involved in your community and try to run some type of outreach program.

83. Offer good customer service, you may be surprised on how many referrals you get just be having a reliable one.

84. Consider adding a direct mail marketing campaign to your marketing arsenal.

85. Put an ad in your local yellow pages to get some local customers. Yellow pages tend to be more successful then newspaper ads because individuals are looking for a particular service when they are browsing through the yellow pages as opposed to newspapers.

86. Post bulletins in your local supermarket. However, since not everyone may carry a pen or pencil, place your contact information and url on strips on the bottom so that individuals can rip it off and take it with them.

87. Host your own commercial so you can put “as seen on TV” on your products.

88. Conduct surveys and publish them. These make you appear as an expert in your field of study.

89. Break a record or shoot to be in the Guinness world records for something.

90. Make a sitemap for your website.

91. Use a favicon for your site.

92. Make your visitors more involved in your website. You can help accomplish this by adding CGI scripts to your site.

93. Make sure you have no broken links on your site, and make sure that your website shows clearly in all browsers.

94. Find domain names that get traffic, purchase them, and have them redirect to your website.

95. Spell correctly whenever using keywords in writing.

96. Look at sites related to your niche to try to figure out how they get their traffic.

97. Properly optimize your website for the right keywords.

98. Try to avoid java scripts on your website as much as possible.

99. Do not use frames on your websit.

100. If your website becomes popular and starts getting lots of traffic, try switching to a dedicated server. The longer you site is down equals the more lost visitors you will have.

101. Write a quality 101 article about a steamy topic that people want to know more about in your niche ;).

Thank you for reading and hope you learned something new, im figuring that you at least learn three things new. It may not seem like a lot but those 3 things can help you out big time.

Check out my site to learn more about starting your own online business and making money online. Make money online from home

Doug Purcell is CEO

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Minding Your Business! Learn Useful tips to blow up your mlm network marketing business and website on US Sports Net!

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

By: Bill Blogz
Internet website marketing training is a fairly broad topic that could apply to blogging or a myriad of other techniques. By learning how to effectively market your business online, you can reach customers worldwide for a fraction of what brick and mortar businesses are able to do.

Below, I'll show you 4 web marketing training techniques that will skyrocket your sales.

Build Your List
The most important piece of any successful internet marketing strategy is creating a huge list of qualified leads. A simple way to do this is to place a sign up form on every page of your website. Another technique many network marketers use is to design a squeeze page with an incentive to join. You can then use an autoresponder service to follow up with your prospects.

Deliver Value To Your List
Once you get someone on your list, your autoresponder will send them a series of pre-defined follow up emails. The major mistake many companies make is to begin spamming the lead with sales pitches. This is often devastating for your bottom line, as it will only annoy the prospect. If instead, you provide valuable information and resources and build trust and establish credibility, your prospect will be more likely to respond favorably to a sales pitch.

Automate Product Fulfillment And Payment
If you sell an ebook, for example, you can use a 3rd party service such as eJunkie to deliver the goods to the customer automatically. These services can be configured to move your cash directly to your online account, effectively automating the fulfillment and payment process. Once you have an automated system to collect leads, follow up, sell and fulfill products, you can focus all your energy on getting traffic into your automated marketing funnel.

Plug Into Proven Training
Web affiliate marketing strategies haven't changed much in the past 5 years or so, and the exact techniques such as social marketing and article marketing work beautifully to this day. Learn networking lead generation strategies, such as one free and one paid strategy, and work them until your profitable. Try to avoid setting up every new formula you learn before you've gotten the previous one making money.

Also: Always test! A/B test your ads, landing pages, offers, etc. to identify what is working. By taking some Online advertising training and following the tips above, you'll be well positioned to explode your sales on the web.

The system I recommend to learn mlm marketing is MLSP. It has the potential to explode your online success and teaches you how to make money from the 97% of people who say "no" to your main product. That's the key! Click here to read my review of why my lead system pro is the web marketing training toolkit of the year!

Merchant Solutions, ecommerce, yahoo store, Yahoo! Small Business, business to business, online store, commerce, small business, domains, web hosting, business mail, Aabaco

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Minding Your Business-3 Fundamental Aspects of Internet Marketing that Should Never Be Ignored

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Ayoub Belkadi

Effectively promoting and marketing a product, service, website, or brand online can be quite the challenge in today’s competitive environment, requiring a multi-faceted approach and a significant investment of at least time and effort.For companies that are serious about getting their brand name out there on the World Wide Web, paying an experienced team of experts to do all the hard work seems to make the most sense from an investing standpoint. Still, even with an extensive advertising budget, simply deciding what to invest in first can seem like a daunting task when you’re just starting a campaign from scratch.
To provide a broad understanding of the main components of internet marketing, we’ve listed the following three promotion types that are essential in every marketing campaign.

Search Engine Optimization

Any website that aims to receive a large number of visitors on a daily basis should work to increase organic traffic through SEO. Organic traffic comes from visitors that stumble upon your site naturally while searching for a topic or keyword in a search engine like Google. By writing and posting content that targets popular searches or answers popular queries, you’ll be able to attract targeted traffic and, most importantly, if you can obtain #1 rankings, your site will be showing up at the top of Google whenever someone searches for a specific term or phrase, which is of course is a reputation booster.

2. Social Networking and Social Media

Every internet marketing campaign should involve the creation and ongoing maintenance of multiple social networking accounts. Social media marketing can be defined as the practice of posting interesting and entertaining media to your social networking accounts so that it can be seen and shared by all of your followers, who then share it with their friends, creating the commonly mentioned "viral traffic" effect. You should devote a significant portion of your time to keeping social accounts updated and posting the best new content you can find or create.

3. PPC and Other Advertising Methods

If you’ve ever browsed the internet for more than a minute, you’ve probably seen a text or banner ad before. They’re ubiquitous online, with advertising networks like Google Adwords making it easy for anyone to launch a campaign and have their ads posted on relevant sites in their niche the same day. For starters, you should be learning how to use Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) services to attract targeted visitors. A PPC advertising scheme only requires you to pay a set amount every time a web surfer clicks on one of your ads and is brought to the landing page on your site.

Bringing it All Together

After you attract a decent amount of traffic from the SEO and social media efforts, and have started getting conversions with the PPC, you can then calculate, on average, how much you’re having to spend on PPC before seeing a desired action (i.e. – a sales or newsletter sign-up) and from there you’ll be able to work out a rough estimate of how much it will cost you per conversion using PPC investments alone.

10 years of experience in SEO field, i'm a Freelance SEO and a Freelance Wordpress

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents: Minding Your Business-Can social media replace email marketing? On US Sports Net!

Can social media replace email marketing?
By: Julien Eweev

"Now that we are doing good on social media, can’t we stop putting efforts on email marketing? This question has been asked several times, either on the internet or in some of our meetings. As a digital agency, it was somehow perceived as an insult, not to the team, nor the agency, but to online marketing in general. Each time a "new" effective platform pops-up, we need to cancel the previous one. Well that’s definitely not the way things work.

We simply answer this question with: "social media can NOT replace emails". After showing in a previous article why social media does not replace a website, here are the reasons why it doesn’t replace email marketing :

Emails are more personal than social networks
Either in B2C or B2B, communicating about an offer, a promotion or an update through Facebook, Twitter or any other social network makes the communication impersonal. When a Facebook page or a Twitter account publishes a post, it would be addressed to the general public. While in an email/newsletter, businesses can approach each individual in the contact list with the first and last name. Doing so drives more attention to the content of the email which can also result in better outcome. According to Aberdeen, "personalized emails improves CTR by 14% and conversions by 10%".

Emails are more effective than Facebook, Twitter...etc.
The ultimate purposes of businesses being online are acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. Many think that Facebook, being the largest social network out there, is the best place to attract new customers. However, many studies show that emails attract new customers more than any social network. In fact, according to McKinsey, emails are 40 times more effective than Facebook or Twitter for acquiring new customers. Monetate adds to this that email marketing is the channel that drives the most conversions.

Email messages have better chance to be seen than social media
Without a doubt, Facebook is the largest social network ever, and the second most populated website after Google. However, running a Facebook ad for a specific target doesn’t necessarily assure that all users, within this target, will see the ad. Yes, it’s true, this also applies to emails. But according to Radicati, an email message has 5x higher chance to be seen than a Facebook post.

Emails are DEFINITELY not dead
The statement that email subscribers don’t read their emails anymore is a total myth. To prove this, we had to refer to ChoozOn which stated that 57% of email subscribers allocate 10-60 minutes per week browsing marketing emails. A lot of you will say that Facebook, Twitter or Instagram users spend more time checking their feeds. While this statement is true, Facebook users "like" several businesses pages, and with the latest big Facebook update, they are now seeing less and less content coming organically from these business pages. And rarely will Facebook or Twitter users check a business account randomly, without any specific reason. In addition, 72% of people said they prefer to get promotional content through email, versus 17% via social media, according to MarketingSherpa.

With social networks, there’s nowhere to run
Whether on Facebook, Twitter, and recently Instagram, businesses have to run ads to promote their offers, promotions, or simply their announcement. To do that, they have to target people according to their interests, jobs, demographics...etc. Not all users who see the ad, will feel concerned or interested by it. Therefore, their newsfeed might get full of similar irrelevant ads. The only way to get rid of them is to...God forbids... quit the social networks! On the other hand, if users receive irrelevant emails, they can simply unsubscribe from the list, in a click of a button. And poof… no more emails from this sender.

In conclusion, email marketing is a big player in any online marketing strategy. But now that we have, hopefully, convinced you that social networks cannot replace emails, we hope that you won’t look down on social media marketing. Many social media agencies will agree with us when we say that every online channel has its own benefits. Therefore, collaborate with a digital agency to create a successful online marketing strategy and give every channel its right.

Eweev is a web agency that offers online services: web design & development, mobile sites, Android & iphone apps, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), online advertising

Merchant Solutions, ecommerce, yahoo store, Yahoo! Small Business, business to business, online store, commerce, small business, domains, web hosting, business mail, Aabaco

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents: Enhancing Customer Retention and Devising a Better Customer Acquisition Strategy on US Sports Net!

By: Colin Shaw

It never ceases to amaze me how organizations pour money into attracting new customers but spend comparatively little on customer retention. Everyone knows it costs far less to retain an existing customer than to use an expensive customer acquisition strategy.

Why, then, is there an obsession with acquiring new customers and such scant regard is given to existing customers when the cost is five times more? Let's examine the root cause of this customer retention and acquisition dichotomy.

A Current Experience: I Could Be Dead For All They Know

To illustrate the issue, let me share with you an example of a recent experience. While I work in London, England, I fly back and forth to the United States often. Needless to say, I quickly qualified for a frequent flyer's gold card from my preferred carrier of choice, Virgin Atlantic. About a year ago, our company established an office in Atlanta, Georgia, and I was now required to travel to this city for work. Unfortunately, Virgin did not offer direct service to the Atlanta airport, and I decided to switch to British Airways. I considered staying with Virgin and using an inter-connecting flight but decided the additional time that it would take was not worth it. I suppose that Virgin had not built enough loyalty with me to justify the additional travel time. As a result, Virgin has lost one of its most highly profitable upper class (business class) customers.

I expected something to happen after I stopped flying with Virgin - some type of contact or otherwise, but I've received no letter asking me why I am not flying with Virgin anymore, no automated email saying that the company had noticed a change of flight patterns, and no phone call from the gold members team. For all Virgin knows, I could be dead! If Virgin looked at my statement, it would show that I haven't flown anywhere in over a year. So, why hasn't Virgin even bothered to find out why? Here is the irony - I used to be a big Virgin fan, but as each month slips past, I am ignored, and I lose faith in the company. I now realize that I am not as important as I thought I was. If a gold card member is not important, then who is? Apparently, Virgin is spending far more money on a customer acquisition strategy than working to retain its existing customers.

Essentially, by Virgin's lack of action, the company is saying "we don't care." Its new customer acquisition strategy is to neglect its proven, loyal customers and focus exclusively on the new ones. Despite having all the data, Virgin can't be bothered to look at it. I am sure I am a statistic somewhere on gold card member behavior. Some marketing person has probably completed some wonderful presentations on whether flights are up or down from last year, but in the trenches, the company doesn't do anything to work for better customer retention. The devil is always in the detail. The company has been spending a great deal of money on a better customer acquisition strategy, including marketing to the upper class; however, integrating better customer retention into its program has not been considered at all.

Identifying the Need for Better Customer Retention

This is what we typically see in our engagements with organizations. The root causes of customer retention are not in basic systems or in the required marketing spend. It is the culture of the organization and the obsession with the new business to highlight a better customer acquisition strategy. We see examples of this obsession behavior manifest itself everywhere:
  • Providing a free 800 phone number for new sales and premium numbers for customer service
  • Marketing spend lavished on a customer acquisition strategy and not customer retention
  • Key performance indicators dominated by new products or services in response to a newly devised customer acquisition strategy
  • Resourcing call centers to enable sales lines to be answered quickly, while customer service lines are answered slowly
  • Targeting offers at new customers only to the detriment of the existing customer
  • Developing organizational cultures that rest the power with sales or marketing functions who treat existing customers as second class citizens
Ask yourself when you had a party in your office celebrating better customer retention. People are rewarded for being new customers while the existing customers are taken for granted and pushed aside. New customers bring new possibilities and hope while the existing customers are boring and mundane. We know them - existing customers even have the audacity to complain to us. It would be good if you had profitable customer who stayed with you for life; imagine the growth and the overall reduction in costs. However, people don't think in timescales, nor do organizations think about lifetime value. Rather, they push for new and improved customer acquisition strategy ploys. Why not? It may be easier, but consider how much Virgin would profit if I were to remain a gold card member for my lifetime.

Formulating a Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategy

Therefore, the first issue you need to deal with when talking about customer retention is to realize that this idea is engrained in our culture, and no system or solution is going to deal with it. Customer retention cannot be improved with an instant fix and needs to be addressed with the senior team. They need to see how the organization is performing daily and be shown some hard numbers and data.

A business case needs to be written formulating both a customer retention and customer acquisition strategy. Have conversations about lifetime value and not just what it will bring in the next six weeks. A business cannot thrive on a well-developed customer acquisition strategy alone; it needs to be highlighted with an effective customer retention plan as well.

Colin Shaw, a founding partner of Beyond Philosophy, helps organizations think through the ramifications of commoditizing global markets and work on improving the customer experience. He is the author of Building Great Customer Experiences and Revolutionize Your Customer Experience and has made numerous appearances on CNN and BBC.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents: Internet Marketing for your business on US Sports Net

By: Michael De Ceault

The internet has captured the imagination of many people when it comes to what it is, and what it can provide. Internet marketing is only one aspect of the internet, but it is a very important aspect at that. When people search for items on the internet they are normally looking for information, this information can come in a variety of ways and it can either be free, or purchased. For those that are looking, that is one area of the internet. For those that are providing, this is an area where broad and local internet marketing come into play.

As stated before, internet marketing is only one aspect of the internet, and it basically consists of marketing a product or service online. But there is much more to this phenomenon than one may think, and in this article you will discover what they actually are.

* Internet Marketing Consultants

When private individuals and business owners decide to take their ideas for business online, they will be better served if they use the services provided by internet marketing consultants. The reason for this is - on today's internet it's much more than simply purchasing a domain name, securing a bit of hosting, and launching a web presence. You will need to know a little more about the marketing side of things in order to be successful obtaining the type of targeted traffic you are looking for.

* Internet Marketing Consulting

Consulting will come in many different forms, and the type that will work for you will be determined by your specific needs. Allowing a professional internet marketer to consult you will allow you to avoid the pitfalls in which other less experienced marketers fall prey to. You will discover that because you've taken the time to invest in internet marketing consulting, your chances of surviving your first year on the internet can almost be guaranteed.

* Website Search Engine Optimization

As stated before, having a web presence is much more than obtaining a domain name and hosting. You will need to properly setup your website in order for search engines to find you, and to ultimately provide informational and educational content for the people that visit. The other important factor will be the visitors. You don't just want any visitor coming to your site. You'll want relevant targeted traffic because these will be the most likely visitors that are interested in your products and services.

* Search Engine Optimization Companies

There is a wide range of companies available that can provide SEO services for you or your business. One of the most important steps will be to find a company that can provide everything you need, and explain exactly why you need it. There are companies available that provide outstanding service and it will be up to you to find one that is a perfect fit.

The internet and internet marketing isn't going away, and in fact it is growing at a very rapid pace. If you've been contemplating bringing your business to the online community, you may find the information provided in this article extremely helpful.
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Friday, June 1, 2018

Minding Your Business-How to Have Fun With Your Home Business

How to Have Fun With Your Home Business
By: Rheal Charette
Any routine can become a rut after a while. The routine is usually somewhat if not entirely necessary in order to get the tasks done that run your business. These tasks may include marketing and sales as well as administrative and technical duties. So right off the bat you have a variety of things to do. While some people in their working career may have enjoyed multi-tasking and having different, variable things to do in their job, the majority of jobs have a limited scope of duties. If we are not really happy with our jobs for whatever reason, all such activity can add up to drudgery. This is particularly true if we are not making enough money or are working in a hostile or stressful environment.

One of the beautiful things about having a home business in being able to do things whenever they fit in with your life, as long as they are still considered a priority. If you look at a 24-hour clock rather than the traditional 8-hour work day – you can see you have a lot more time (3x as much time) to get maybe 8-hours of work into. So it makes no difference if you do task a, b, and c at 8:am or 12:pm or for that matter 8:pm. If you feel more like doing task d, e and f first – that’s fine – you are the boss.
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Something else that may really help to prevent boredom while working from home is if you can juggle a few extra projects now and then – say for a little extra money. Or ideally, if you have another ‘passion’ that would lend itself to a seasonal or occasional frequency – "just for fun" (and some extra profit!), this could also help prevent you from getting into a bored, complacent rut that really makes it hard for you to stay fully engaged and enthused about what we are doing.

For example if you had an artistic bent and wanted to create some gift items for the holidays. It could involve ceramics, baking, candy, soap or candle-making for a few examples. Or even something more simple to facilitate like selling sports memorabilia according to the seasons. There are many ideas you could think of when you look at business from the perspective of hobbies and interests.

It could work really well to balance your business too, because for example when the concept of ‘multiple streams of income’ is considered in this scenario you have your regular day-to-day business that is your ‘bread and butter’ and it may slow down at the very seasons when a gift related business would be most busy. So you see one thing balances the other. Who knows - you could even have a ‘banner year’ when you make money in ALL seasons!

Rheal Charette owns where popular home business ideas and opportunities are tested rigorously to find out what works and what doesn't. Visit today for more info or check out the site's #1 home business

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

How to Increase Sales Volume Significantly Through Local Online Advertising

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business

By: Erik Welker

The success of any local business depends solely on sales volume. It’s been said in business time and time again that "volume fixes everything." And these days your advertising dollar is more important than ever. If your current marketing budget is not returning a high enough sales volume to churn out a decent profit, then it's time to make a change. The first question for most business owners is "where do I begin?"

Let's start with a few facts. Most local business owners have a limited budget, very little free time and extremely limited knowledge of how the Internet works. But they know for certain they should be advertising online within their local community. Many local business owners have already taken the plunge into the online community but are now scratching their heads trying to figure out why their website is not working as well as they thought it would. And that brings us back to the question of "where do I begin…"

The entire online advertising process begins with your website. Over 90% of the websites on the Internet today are not geared properly for success. These days it's very easy to find a web designer to create a nice looking website but, unfortunately, a nice looking website is only the tip of the iceberg. Your local business success depends on a lot more than just a pretty website. At the very least, your website should contain some sort of "call to action" as well as professionally written ad copy. Most web designers are not business oriented and therefore do not understand what a call to action is. Most web designers are also not professional copywriters.

If you are not properly educated on at least the basic fundamentals of how the Internet actually works, then it's going to be extremely difficult for you to shop around for a web designer that not only builds a great looking website with a call to action, but also has the ability to make sure your website is optimized for top performance on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. If your website is built on an old platform like HTML, then it's going to be nearly impossible for you to compete with other business owners in your local area who are using a more advanced platform like WordPress or Joomla.

A "platform" is simply the type of construction that was utilized to build your website. You could actually take two identical websites that looked exactly the same, and if one was built on an outdated HTML platform and the other one on a WordPress platform, they would perform very, very differently on the Internet. And even if you are using a platform like WordPress, there are still over 1 million plugins to sift through to make your site optimized for the search engines. In other words, a Web designer who is not skilled and proven in business and/or who does not understand the intimate details of Google and Yahoo's algorithms is not qualified to work for you, hence the reason why so many local business owners have websites that are costing them money month-after-month rather than bringing in additional revenues and a significantly higher sales volume.
If your local business already has a website and your website is not helping to attract more customers and increasing your sales volume significantly month after month, then unfortunately your web designer has very little knowledge of business and/or search engine optimization.

As a local business owner, your job is to save money every chance you get, but your website is something that you should not try to cut corners with. Your website, along with proper advertising, can be more effective than any form of off-line advertising you can possibly think of including the yellow pages, newspaper ads and even radio advertising. The world is changing rapidly, and so is the way that most consumers find products and services in their local marketplace. If you cannot be found, you are losing valuable sales volume that could mean the difference between profits and bankruptcy.

There are several techniques available to help you decide whether or not to utilize a particular advertising company to help you promote your local business online. The first thing you should do before choosing an online marketing agency is to look at their overall ranking. There is a Google owned website called that ranks tens of millions of websites on the Internet based on their quality, value and traffic. If you visit and type in the website address of the company you are contemplating using to build your website properly (both on the front end and the backend), they should have a good "Alexa ranking." If they are not at least in the top 1.5 million and they have a copyright date on their website of more than one or two years, then look for someone else.

If you already have a website and you want to determine how well your site has been constructed by your web designer, simply visit and type in your website address to see what kind of grade your website gets. If your website has a grade of lower than 75, then once again it's advisable that you have another, more qualified company redesign and/or reconstruct your website. Even if you like the look and feel of your website, it's possible to "migrate" your website to a better platform with the right plugins that will optimize your performance.

Erik Welker is the Founder of, a company that specializes in WordPress migrations and Local Online Advertising.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Minding Your Business! Affiliate Marketing Rules

Presented on Us Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

Affiliate Marketing Rules
By: Anthony Harris

If you have been considering getting into affiliate marketing you probably would like to know what the rules are. Even if you already have a web page or blog ready and have chosen your possible niche market, you still need to familiarize yourself with the rules of engagement. Affiliate marketing is not something that is very difficult, after all, you are simply selling someone's products or service, however for as many affiliate companies there are in the world there are different rules you must follow. Most will be similar but things like referral options may vary slightly.

Unless you have several programs you are, trying to keep up with affiliate marketing is simple. The problems come in when you have so many affiliate programs going that you cannot remember the guidelines from one to the other. Affiliate programs are different simply because the companies running them are different. A company is free to set the program up in any way they see fit. Of course, there are similarities as mentioned earlier; this does not mean they are exact copies of one another but that many have similar rules.

The variations are so wide when it comes to affiliate marketing rules. One company may refuse to allow mentioning the brand names they sell on your website and another may insist you not have a particular market in your URL. Due to these differences, you are going to want to read each program fully and be sure that you comprehend it completely. In some cases, if you already have a URL for your site you will not be allowed to participate in a few affiliate programs. The reason for this is you have already gone against the rules for that program.

One common rule you are going to come across with affiliate marketing is the page rank rules. There are companies who will not want you to promote their products if you have a higher page rank than they do. Similarly, if your page ranks better in the search engines you are likely to be disqualified. For instance, let's say your site promoted coffee and you were interested in an affiliate program with Folgers, if your page came up first in search results for keywords like Folgers or coffee you would not be accepted in the affiliate program. The idea is if you are doing better search wise you will be taking business from their site and you could hurt their direct business significantly, and they could be right. It is better for the company to have direct sales rather than affiliate wouldn't you agree?

A great idea when doing multiple affiliate programs is to create a spreadsheet of the different programs and their rules. This will eliminate confusion and tell you exactly what you need to do to participate in the programs. This may be the best step you take when it comes to your affiliate marketing business. Remember many sites that have broken the affiliate rules have been caught and sued. Better, for you to have covered your assets and ensuring you comply with any and all rules that have been given to you by the company.

When all else fails you may find that affiliate marketing software is the way to go. There are many programs available and you should be able to find the one that fits your needs perfectly. These programs are created to help you keep track of your affiliate programs and the rules. Use this software to ensure you are managing your affiliate marketing correctly. In the end, your efforts will pay off and you will be thankful that you followed all the affiliate-marketing rules.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Yahoo Small Business: Simple Tricks to Get More from Your Small Business Website


Looking at the websites of some of your larger competitors with deep pockets, you might be wondering how you can show as well as they do on the internet. Fortunately, there are a number of simple tricks you can employ to get more from your small business website. With these ideas, plus free design templates and reasonable hosting prices available, you can easily claim an outsized digital presence.

Emphasize Quality Over Quantity

Yes, the content of your site is indeed important to getting your story told. However, the functioning of your site plays a significant role as well. Focus your efforts upon building a high quality site with just the essential information, rather than a mediocre site with everything anyone could ever want to know about you. Your goal should be to produce an aesthetically pleasing, informative experience that your customers can access quickly and easily. To this end, you also want to emphasize fast loading times and mobile optimization through responsive design.

Know Your Customer

Step outside of yourself for a moment and consider your website from the customer’s perspective. If you’re too close to be objective, gather a group of people you can trust to be honest with you and ask what they’d want to know about your business. Survey your current customers to find out what they’d like to see you do better. These steps will help you develop an informative site; one capable of generating leads for your business.

Strong Images Speak Volumes

Well-crafted, original photography is a must when it comes to creating favorable impressions. Run pictures big so they serve as major design elements—especially if your product or service lends itself to visual representation. Be creative, think of all of the different ways your services can be depicted in pictures, then photograph the best ones. Video can be an especially useful tool as well. Combining the power of images, graphics and words, video helps you tell your story in a much more compelling fashion.

Bold Calls to Action

It’s helpful to think of your website as a salesperson who is on call 24/7/365. One of the first rules of sales is to “always be closing”. Devise incentives to give leads a reason to complete your registration form, buy your product, or ask for more information. Then, make those incentives key to your robust calls to action. Some ideas:
  • “Your Free Consultation is Just One Click Away, Sign Up Now!”
  • “First Time Shoppers Get a 20% Discount, Save Now!”
  • “Register in the next 15 minutes and Get $100 Off, Do It Now!”

Mobile Matters

As mentioned above, you absolutely want your site’s design to be responsive. In other words, it must adapt to show at its best, regardless of the device being used by the customer. Mobile has supplanted desktop as the platform of choice. Your site must perform well in a mobile environment, or your website will be missed by a broad segment of potential customers.
As for getting that professional look, with design templates like those offered by Yahoo Small Business, a crisp site can now represent you with very little effort on your part. When paired with these simple tricks to get more from your small business website, you will be solidly in the hunt with even your largest competitors. Go ahead, try it now!