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Showing posts with label sporting goods manufacturer. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blogger turns over a new Leaf? Or Smashes the old one!

After much contemplation I have decided to turn this blog into a Strength and Conditioning Blog.
Why you ask? Wow! you must have ESPN or somethin' I decided to be honest with myself in that I cannot stoop to the levels to typical sports blogging. "I hate this". "I can't stand him" or "they are losers" seems to permeate sports media these days. Long gone are the days of simply enjoying sport for what it is to this humble observer: Entertainment. Not the meaning of life!

So seeing how it is clear that the 'kid' doesn't want any part of that landscape, I am taking this internet manifesto fest into areas where I can personally help ya'll folks.

As a strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer for over 35 years; I too often see athletes in the gym working out without any direction toward their particular sport. With budget cuts and the like hitting every school system like a Gulf oil spill, It is usually up to the coach or assistant coach who may or may not have the expertise to supervise and implement the strength and conditioning programs at his or her school.

God bless every single one of you coaches out there who are put into this position, and I wish you the best because I know you are doing your best for your kids and your program. Unfortunately this can leave a gap between the teams that have and those that have not or almost have.

Hopefully with this blog I can help those coaches that wish to have their athletes "bigger, stronger and faster" by the time camp starts in August. Right now I am helping out a good friend whose High School football team is coming off its first championship in the young history of the program.

I will share some of the concepts here and execution of the program for the 30 kids that are involved in the program this summer.

Feel free to post questions or comments here and I will do my best to answer them. If I can't I have access to some of the best minds in the business who have helped me help athletes be the 'best that they can be.' I look forward to this new endeavor. If you need any help with your program specifically come visit the US Sports Online Strength & Conditioning System
There I can design and deliver 3 month, 6 month, or year round strength and conditioning programs for individuals or teams to help you be your biggest, fastest, and strongest when you hit the field, court, pool, or course.

It is time for some consistent positive sports talk. Well folks here it is.