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Showing posts with label online store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online store. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Minding Your Business-Online Shopping Requires Consideration

Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

By: Alice Beckmann

The Internet is magic, which always wakes me to be conscious. Spotting celebrities with fantastic apparels, shoes, sunglasses or hairstyles, I always realize and begin to be aware of fashion. The most effective contribution to the fashion trend is made by stunning celebs and followed by people throughout the world.

Internet is functional. The fashion information transmitted by thousands of miles of cables brings life and vitality into our wardrobe. The well-known update their looks by shiny authentic lines; and the common also get sheen on stylish products by online shopping or replicas.

Online shopping is welcomed by its convenience. We do not need to walk in hot or rainy days for a purchase of limited edition of favorite brand nowadays. Clicking on the mouse, we get the latest designs. What’s more, stores online tend to provide people with cheaper prices nowadays.

It seems there is nothing reason for us to buy in traditional local stores today; however, most of us must have experienced attempting or failing to find authentic products. The purchase we got at last turned out to be completely different with what they promised. We got nothing except frustration and a waste of money at last. To protect us from buying those bad-quality products, some official websites have adopted policies to test whether an online site on them is faithful or not. Its trustful level ranges from red heart, yellow diamond, green diamond, pink diamond to silver diamond. Each compliment from customer will add one mark to its reputation and any dishonest supply will eliminate five marks. Like it or not, this policy assures benefits of customers while shopping online well.

Online shopping provides us with the latest vogue information. To be a smart shopper, you are not admitted to miss the time when a season goes forward the ending. Online stores need to put new line onto racks in next season or next year. Hot designs of this year may turn out to be "the beat generation". Retailers tend to send out more advertisements or sell products on the biggest discount. They are modish, yet the cheapest.

After knowing where and when to buy online, most of people are still perplexed by question of what to buy. Vogue information is updated in an incredible speed. Anything hitting the rack may become a dominative item in the next minute. What to buy in numerous modish designs? I truly believe not everything that is considered to be fashionable is proper for us. Everyone expresses his or her natural beauty in eyes or body language. A right purchase of style, color and size will seem natural on body. It does not need to be the most eye-catching, yet should be graceful. It may not make you seem like celebs walking on the red carpet, yet should be comfortable for everyday wearing.

Budget for your online shopping before. Even though the style having alluring you is the hottest in this season, it still requires you to consider for a few minutes. What will it give you besides transient brilliant rays? Will you become empty on hand? Will you wear it while another trend has been set in the next season?

Online shopping offers us with an opportunity to get the most stylish designs on reasonable prices when the merchandise purchases are directly from the manufacturers. To be wise in buying!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Minding Your Business-Get More Traffic

Presented On US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!

By: Mahfuz Tushar
Once you have content online, traffic is a must in order to make sales.

People have to see your content or there's no way they'll be able to click on your affiliate links.

If you followed the steps in the training I sent you then you already have a Pinterest profile and are starting to make it work for you.

However, there's MORE you can do with this incredibly effective, free, traffic source.

Studies have shown that people in Pinterest are more likely to buy something they see on Pinterest than those on Facebook or Twitter. Buyers are our target audience which is why Pinterest is perfect for Amazon Associates.

You can't put your affiliate links on Pinterest but, as you learned you can still use Pinterest to drive traffic to your site.

So far, this strategy you've been following has had you rely on Google for traffic to your content - either Google traffic that found the link to your post in search results or Google traffic that found your Pinterest board ranking in search results.

However, relying on one traffic source is risky - especially when that source is Google.

What if the competition for your keyword heats up and you find your content getting lost amidst the heavy hitters? What if Google (again) changes their ranking algorithm and you lose your spot in search results?

Don't think that can't happen - anyone who was building an online business a couple of years ago will remember Google's Penguin update and how it shook up the search engine results (especially for affiliate marketers).

You don't want to just give up on your content when things like that happen. You already did all the work. That content is an asset you own. Successful people put their assets to work for them!.

By building up a following on Pinterest you can use Pinterest to refer even more traffic to your site. Like the other social sites, if you share something on Pinterest and the people who are following you like what you've shared, they're going to further share it with their own followers. Share something really eye-catching and you'll haveinstant new traffic.

But, you have to build up followers on Pinterest first. This isn't hard to do but so many people do it incorrectly.

They use tools that are against Pinterest's terms or they buy followers (which will always be a bunch of junk profiles that won't do you any good), or they follow anyone at all without strategically gaining followers who are real consumers truly interested in the products you're sharing.

I developed a strategy to quickly grow the right kind of followers on Pinterest. I call it PinPlosion.

On that page you'll be able to read what others have had to say about the strategy - it's quite popular and very effective.

Consider the time spent building a following on Pinterest as a form of business insurance. Not only can you get more traffic now but you're insuring that you have another source for traffic should something happen in Google. You can't lose.

If you're ready to get more traffic to your content outside of relying on Google, add this strategy to your toolbox!

Name Mahfuz Tushar,I am a professional blogger and SEO expert and working in this field for over 4 years. I am currently managing a blog about Whatsapp Status Quotes. You can check out my blog.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Minding Your Business-Inbound Marketing Tips for Startups

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Jennifer Ayalon
The modern business landscape has made great strides when it comes to the use of technology. Online marketing has yielded positive results for virtual traders, wishing to capitalize on the popularity of the internet in business. For startups that focus on inbound marketing, it may be a tricky situation.

Given the rapid change in technologies and innovation, business owners may find it hard to keep up with the pace. Forward thinking businesses need to have a number of guidelines, to help put in place an effective marketing approach. With these, it is possible to get more conversions, returns, and constant traffic. An inbound marketing blueprint revolves around getting noticed, appealing to clients to convert, and of course keeping the tabs on successes. Here are some pointers to help you understand inbound marketing.

Products Are Primary

Online marketing as a whole is one competitive business, and with inbound marketing, it doesn’t mean the results are automatic. You will need to believe in your products to make headway, where the customer is concerned. At the same time, it is crucial to make sure that your product features, package, messaging, and client support are efficient. This concept will only bring desired results if the product can deliver what it promised respective customers.

Relevance and Influence in SEO

Inbound marketing and content are inseparable. This means that you should put lots of emphasis on content relevance, and how it will perform with search engines. Users will be looking for valuable content on the best ranked sites. You will be in a better position if you know how to optimize your content and the information structure. This can be achieved by upgrading your interface experience. In return, search engines will use it as a cue to lead your target audience to your improved site. Remember to integrate brand and domain dominance over your competitors, so that you are always on top.

Design Credibility and Usability

The internet is continuously changing. This means other sites could be inventing ways of grabbing your client base and shifting them to their domains. The catch here lies in inventing engaging and creative ways of keeping your customers glued to your site. The best approach here would be investing in website design. No one wants to interact across a mundane platform, while they can get the same product form another colorful site.

Establish Brand as an Authority

If you are able to sell as a brand to existing and prospecting clients, the returns will be comforting. Here, you can use inbound marketing as a priority concept to market your content and brand as an authority. With valuable info, the customer will want to keep buying your products, backed by the assurance of such content. If you know how to break new horizons with great content, your audience will be more inclined to stay with you.

Content is King

Online marketing and content paired up can make the difference for any business struggling to make conversions. The more you integrate interesting content, the better your inbound marketing results. An all-inclusive content and brand initiative will rank well within leading search engine results. Once your target audience gets the valuable info together with an engaging landing page, you are bound to get more traffic and of course get the customers to convert. Remember to incorporate social media in all this. With the best available content, interactivity and more leads are bound to be created.

Are you a business in need of help? Bulldog Marketing and Sales offers a FREE 30 minute pet marketing consultation. Contact us to set an appointment by visiting our website at

Monday, July 30, 2018

Minding Your Business-Virtual customer agent – A unique service

Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Perri Hilton

The services of virtual customer agent are of unique nature. For today’s demanding customer care solution it is an exclusive provider. It acts as contact center solutions. Virtual customer agent fulfills the needs and requirements of the customer by asking and solving their questions. It is possible through Internet as well as over phone lines. It provides service of different varieties like credit management, customer account maintenance, reservations, sales and customer support.

It provides us the following benefits like:

  • It has a custom program
  • The monitoring and the support is 24x7
  • This service is available in different languages in different regions
  • It has dependable and skilled workforce
  • The quality is very high and the cost is too low
  • The salesmanship is effective and aggressive

  • Virtual customer agents satisfy the customer to a great extent. It is very helpful for the customer. Through intelligent automated conversation, it assists the customer and also solves the difficult problem of the customer. People who do not get proper answer to their question through FAQs or search engines then for them virtual customer agent is the right choice. Usually virtual customer agent engages the customer with impressive interaction as a result the customer often gets satisfied with their answers.

    Service agent provides the service to the customer through the process of automated chat or on phone lines. Though they are not live but they interact with the customer like a live person on telephone or through chat. The main aims of these services are to satisfy the customer completely so that their sales go up. Usually all company program this software to increase their sales. It also lowers the cost as well as extra labor to the customer.

    The services provided to the customers through these agents are very particular and the report given to the customer is also accurate. Based on these services the customer makes a decision to buy some product and after the interaction with the virtual agents they become full confident that they are not going to invest their money in any wrong direction. They become confident that what they are buying the best.

    The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to Service agent and Virtual agents.

    Saturday, July 28, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Do’s and Don'ts when sending email

    Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: William Hausman

    The most important thing is get straight to the point. If you can say the same thing with less words then do it. Using bullet points when appropriate is a good way to achieve this. Never have too many words in one area and develop an eye for the right amount of spacing. A good way to test these concepts is by finding someone that has no idea what email your creating. Tell them they need to gather as much information as they can very quickly. Show the participant the email for 2 seconds then minimize it. Ask them what the email was trying to convey. If they can answer then you’ve done a good job.

    A common tactic is to include a sense of urgency. This is where the infamous "expiration date" shows its horns. There is always a deadline because most people are procrastinators! If there wasn’t the expiration date or the limited time sale then everyone would just put it off for another day. Make sure your readers see the message so include it more than once.

    Never abuse your email list by overwhelming your following with constant email blasts. It’s good to remind people of your presence but overdoing it will cause people to unsubscribe.

    People love images, so that means use a ton of them in my template right? Wrong. In any email browser images are set to not be displayed by default. Either the user needs to allow images to be displayed every time an email is opened or change the default settings.

    So what does this mean? Your email needs to still look presentable and functional without the help of images. This can be a bit discouraging but luckily the power of font style and color coordination is immense. Keep your color scheme for graphics and text to 2-4 colors. It’s important your color scheme flows and looks coordinated. Google ‘color scheme generator’ and the first link is an amazing tool for showing off this concept.

    You also want deep contrast of dark/light if you place text over a colored background. This will make your text pop so it’s clearly readable. Text over a very dark background should usually be white. Don’t forget to vary the size of your font sizes. Very important points should be larger text size than less important ones. This also adds depth to your email and makes it easier to skim over.

    Follow these guidelines and your email marketing campaign should be a success.
    William Hausman - Graduated Full Sail University - Check out HyperMail's pricing if your already sending email and see if you can save some money.

    Friday, July 27, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Twitter prefers short URLs

    Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Vladimir Vyatkin

    Let's face it - the shorter and easier a website address (or URL = Uniform Resource Locator) is to type the more likely people will find it easily. If you have a website with a long URL like "" the chances of getting anyone to type that out correctly is remote.

    It will be far easier to ask them to type something like Also if you are sending your website out on Twitter for example or wish to use AdWords the advantages are obvious. (Twitter severely limits the number of characters that may be used on a Tweet).

    The short URL is usually registered in a country such a Tonga (.to) or Tuvalu (.tv) which don't require domicile to use their countries extension. They redirect from the short URL to the underlying URL address.

    It is also often useful to disguise or hide the underlying URL address. This may be for perfectly legal business reasons but one must be careful. Some of these sites become blacklisted or put on spam blacklists. Some websites prevent redirected URLs from being posted because they are often used by websites trying to bypass a blacklist they have already been placed on.

    These shortened URLs usually use a foreign extension as some domain names are under the jurisdiction of that nation.

    But there are other advantages of using a short URL or URL shortening services. They give full details of the traffic that these short URLs receive and redirect which enables one to target the advertising ever and ever more efficiently.

    There is also a service that advertises your now shortened domain name (URL) on a whole series of the internet classified advertisements with no charge to yourself. All you have to do is subscribe to their service and they will do it for you. These free services are a fantastic offer as getting classified ads in places take quite a lot of effort.

    For a start the ad has to be composed and then the headline has to be written. Then one must compose a list of keywords and test them out to make sure that they will in fact attract visitors to your site.

    Keywords are of course key to this whole process. Get the keywords right and your website will get displayed. But of course before it does get displayed the search engine crawlers have to find it and rate it.

    The following increases your ratings:

    * Relevance: the website must relate to the item (keyword) being searched for.
    * Links: search engines give a lot of weight to the number of "quality" links to your website.
    * Fresh content. If the crawlers don't find new content often the site might become stale and drop in ratings (and of course number of times displayed).

    The search engines penalize keyword stuffing, lack of relevance and poor grammar.

    Using a short URL service is very important if you want to "tweet". All the other advantages are nice bonuses.

    Classified Ads Submission Freeware helps any website get themselves noticed on the Internet and will get traffic to their site.

    Thursday, July 26, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Generating Impressive Business Figures with Social Media Marketing

    Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Jeff Matthews

    It’s quite surprising that a lot of business owners still ask the question, "How valuable is social media to my business?". The whole truth is this; social media has come to stay and would continue to benefit those, who take advantage of them to grow their businesses.

    Both online and conventional business owners can take advantage of the social media to grow their business massively and generate more sales. Once you are able to think outside the box – you are already on your way to a tremendous breakthrough.

    It is important to note that your business marketing plan must be in line with your social marketing strategies. Using ad-hoc techniques when employing social media marketing will produce ad-hoc results. If you do it rightly, you will achieve the right results.

    A good number of renowned social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter as well as YouTube have a great way of engaging present and potential customers, grow awareness about your business and boost your sales massively.

    It’s high time you start leveraging social media for the advancement of your business. Here are a few ways by which you can take advantage of the social media to expand your business objectives:

    • Make Yourself Available and Become an Authority

      First thing first; sign up and create your profiles in the renowned social media sites. Also, embark on regular update of your profiles on the different sites. Check your account regularly so that you can participate in the interactions by responding to comments or creating your own. When your updates are seen as outstanding, you will gain fast reputation and attract a lot of followers.

    • Use an Educating Tone Rather than Sales Tone

      Bear in mind that typical social sites like Facebook are strictly for interaction and friendship, so it is wise to rather educate than use sales tone. Of course, if you present your followers with valuable information, they would pursue you to know what else you offer – then, information about your product and/or service would start spreading without you coming outright to tell anyone about what you offer.

    • Involve Every Individual in Your Company

      The involvement of your entire workers (if you have staff) in updating your social media presence daily, would boost your marketing effort and ought to also increase your company’s exposure.

    • Ask People to Join You on Social Media Sites

      Do this by requesting people to ‘like’ your social media pages. You can use your business receipts, invoices, brochures etc to invite your customers to join you on Facebook and other social media sites. Also request that your customers check-in to any of the geo-location sites such as Google Place or Foursquare when they are at a location close to your business.

    • Don’t forget to monitor your competitors

      A great way to monitor your competitors is to participate on social media networks; since they are also on these sites, you can keep an eye on them to know how far they’ve gone, what strategies they are employing, and how you can employ strategies to outwit them.
    Social media is worth taking advantage of and it helps grow your business and generate massive sales!
    Jeff Matthews is a freelance writer who wrights about Internet marketing ideas

    Saturday, July 21, 2018

    Minding Your Business-How To Create and Run a Deals and Offers Website

    Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Dana Collins

    Nowadays, business merchants believe that product sales increase once they sell their products through group deals online - several merchants have reported that their online sales have shot up by over 50% as a result of these deals. Internet marketers and e-commerce site owners have started thinking about different ways of increasing their online sales. When a users is available in searching for a product, they look for a website that offers them the cheapest price or at discounted rates without compromising on quality.

    A lot of different techniques are for sale to increasing your online sales. But one surefire method of increasing your sales is creating large amount of deals, offering products for discount prices, etc and spreading them over the internet. Here are the processes to generate deals, offers, etc. and promote exactly the same online.

    Rivaling businesses that target a different segment or user base can often backfire. As a marketer, it is important to understand your target audience and the segment your product falls under. Understanding your niche plays the major role in competing online. A successful internet marketer should have understood his/her niche much better than anyone else in the business.

    Offering flat discounts on all products will only erode your margins this will get you a net negative effect on your bottom line in the long term. Pick a few items that you feel are hot or will gain more user interest on the web. Do some research on what goods are being searched more regularly online and identify the best set of products you sell for which you can offer discounts or any other deals.


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    One basic tenet in Internet Marketing is to take a look at competitors as much as you possibly can. Do not just blindly pick 15 or 20 competitors and do what they're doing as it can backfire. Instead, understand the position of the website presence online and identify that are other websites are competing against you. Attempt to analyze the sales techniques they use for their online sales like the prices they offer and promotional techniques they follow to increase their online sales.

    It's not possible to provide 50% off on all products or sell your products for free. Identify the very best price that you can offer your product or service and at the same time ensure that your pricing is competitive when compared with your competitors. Make buyers believe that they gain something which your competitors aren't giving. Generate deals, coupons and other methods in which a user can avail their discounts about the products you are promoting. Make people wait for the next of deals you are offering in future.

    After you generate a summary of offers for that hot products, you have to promote those offers online that give you maximum visibility. There are numerous deals and coupon websites are available in the internet. Identify the best deal and coupon sites and add your offers there to increase your online visibility. Some of the best websites are, SnapDeal, DailyDeal, Koovs, etc.

    There are lot of different internet marketing techniques available in order to increase your online sales. I've discussed one of the techniques that we believe will bring in more sales. You can check how to run a Deals and Offers website over here at Shop and Bargain. The most important thing about a deals and offers website is the trust that it builds on the visitors, if you are looking for quick buck then you cannot succeed over the long run. So build trust and never hard sell to your customers. If it is possible then offer them comparison charts between brands and products.

    The author runs several websites dealing in offers and discounts. You can Check one of his Deals and coupons website

    Tuesday, July 17, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Keys to Be Successful in Business Marketing

    Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Jerzy Banas

    Business marketing is when a business markets and sells its goods and services to other businesses or organizations. These other organizations may resell these goods and services or use them in their own business to support their operations. Business marketing is often called as industrial marketing or business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

    The perfect example of Business to business marketing is the automobile industry. Automobile companies buy various spare parts such as tires, batteries, electronics and door locks which are manufactured independently by other businesses and sold directly to automobile manufacturers to assemble automobiles.

    Even the Service industry is also engaged in large number of business to business transactions. For example Companies specializing in housekeeping provide services exclusively to other organizations, rather than individual consumers.

    Business-to-customer marketing is when a business markets and sells its goods and services to retail consumers for personal use. While most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies. The business-to-consumer as a business model differs significantly from the business-to-business model, which refers to transaction between two or more businesses.

    Business market (B2B) vs. Consumer marketing (B2C)

    B2C marketing differs from B2B marketing in a number of key ways. A Business market has very few customers as compared to a consumer market which has large numbers of customers. A business market usually sells a customized product where as a consumer market sells a homogenous product. A Business to business transaction is a huge value transaction as purchase quantity is very high where as business to consumer transaction is a small value transaction. Price can be negotiated in business markets where as price is usually fixed in consumer market. Business markets have lengthy and complex selling process with multiple decision makers but in consumer market buying decision are simple and are made by individuals.

    Keys to success in Business markets are:

    1) Value creation and; Customer satisfaction

    Business begins with value creation. It is the prime objective of the business to create and deliver value in an efficient manner which will ultimately lead to profits. Value leads to customer satisfaction. Customer experience is an integral part of B2B marketing. The customer experience is the key brand differentiator, even more than the price and product.

    2) Social media marketing

    Social media marketing is when a company uses social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to market its product or services. Social media marketing is one of the best and efficient platforms for marketers. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing including current and potential customers.

    3) Mobile marketing

    Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy whose aim is reaching a target audience on their Smartphone, tablets, and other mobile devices through email, SMS and multimedia messages.

    Smartphone usage has increased multiple times during the last few years, app usage has also highly increased. Therefore, mobile marketers have increasingly taken advantage of Smartphone apps as a marketing resource. Marketers aim to optimize the visibility of an app in a store, which will maximize the number of downloads. This practice is called App Store Optimization (ASO).

    4) Multimedia Content Marketing

    Marketing using Multimedia content attracts more customers. B2B marketers are widely adopting this trend. The primary driver is the desire to make content more engaging, compelling, and shareable than just the traditional modes. The most common forms of visual content include 360-degree videos.

    5) Effective Personal selling & Executive Branding

    Distribution channel is the path through which the product reaches the final customer. Personal selling is the most preferred form of distribution and promotion used by B2B marketers The sellers promote the product through their attitude, appearance and specialist product knowledge. Executive Branding is when an executive showcases his professional strengths as a way to attract the customers. Executive branding is also known as reputation management. Especially in B2B environments, executive branding is now considered a necessity. Senior management must create and develop their personal brand image to attract new customers.
    We are content publisher of website about finance, business, stock market and financial forum

    Monday, July 16, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Are You Being A Resourceful Manager and Entrepreneur?

    Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Samuel Seeto

    Information is much easier to gain access to nowadays because of the continual advances in technology that are going on day after day. The expansion and swiftness of the Internet is a central example of how technology has revolutionized over time. The Internet is proving to be the most suitable and resourceful place to find information and expand your business.

    So why do so many people still fall short to achieve results?

    Anthony Robbins is one individual who provides a ton of valuable knowledge (hence the reason he is very successful). He says that the reason why so many people fail is because of the excuses they create. He calls them limited resources. These limited resources (excuses) owned by the majority of people consist of:
    · Not enough money
    · Not enough time
    · Lack of personnel
    · Not the right technology
    · Not knowing how to plan or inadequate planning
    · Lack of quality leadership

    The mass majority of business owners blame their failures on a lack of resources. But let's look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders:
    · Bill Gates: Bought MS-DOS for $50k and sold it to IBM for over $50m
    · Richard Branson: Billionaire entrepreneur. Started a student magazine and selling music he liked in his garage - creator of Virgin)
    · Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple
    · Oprah Winfrey: Unfavourable circumstances during early childhood - Now a role model and inspiration to countless people especially African Americans simultaneously hosting her own talk show)
    · Lance Armstrong: Won the Tour de France 7 years in a row after beating testicular cancer
    · Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder of Facebook. Originally designed as a network so only college students could interact, share photos and videos. Now it is a worldwide phenomenon

    They used their characteristics, positive attitudes, past experiences, took action and have now created much more resources. There is an abundance in available resources waiting for us all to make use of. Successful entrepreneurs and leaders do not believe in limited resources.

    It is no one else's fault if you are letting your emotions, your mindset, and your stance prevent you from taking action. It's your responsibility to be successful. Your life has an incredible calling. It's time for you to wake up and capture the opportunity. Rather than worrying or complaining about information overload, how about think about how lucky you are to have all this information and knowledge right in front of you? The majority of people in the planet have no chance of achieving what you can because they have no Internet access!

    Being an entrepreneur is the VEHICLE for which you create financial freedom and to "drive" anywhere you please to do anything you want. You either face the challenges or run away back to the drone known as the rat race.

    You are the leader you've been looking for.

    Sunday, July 15, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Online Classified Ads - The Benefits

    Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Patrick Lau

    The days of spending hours flipping pages of telephone directories and business card folders are now the thing of the past. Ever since the creation of the internet, marketers are now turning to this method to advertise their products and services.

    People nowadays are looking for quick and safe means of accessing accurate and up-to-date information to keep pace with a constantly evolving society. Almost everyone are now turning to the internet for assistance in their quest for knowledge. Internet is not only the best means of accessing up-to-date information, it is also a place which allow people around the globe to interact with each other in a safe and exciting environment, thus bringing people all over the globe together.

    Classified Ads, one of the most over-looked form of advertising, is an effective means of expressing ideas and exchanging information. It offer users the opportunity to post their ads on a webpage or to access the ads posted by others thus displaying all the information on the webpages in a fraction of a second. Classified Ads websites provide vast information, accurate and well-structured in various categories:auto classified, real estate classified, pet classified, service classified, job classified, event classified and many more which are easy to access.

    You can find various sites which provide posting of classified ads on the net. Some are free and some do charge a nominal fee for posting your ad. Some provide additional features to your posted ads and some also provide a storefront to enable you to categorize your products or services on the site. Most sites provide a easy to list method of posting your product or service. Most of the time, you will be entitle to submit a title of your ad, a description, photo which the number of photos allow varies from each site and hyperlinks. Once your ad is up on the classified ads site, the visibility of the ad will depend on the traffic or number of visitors on the site. These online service provider target consumers who has interest to gain more knowledge and to purchase a particular product or service over the internet.

    Classified Ads act as the easiest and simplest option to promote and publicize almost any product or service globally be it from amateurs or professional. Even important events or announcement held at any location can be promoted as well as propagate awareness via classified ads. This simple and effective procedure to gain publicity helps individual and companies to market their product at a much larger base.

    Whether you wish to find new happenings in your local area or to promote your business or service or product, to inform other people about the latest events, classified ads website are the best means to do it. Irregardless of you buying, selling, renting or exchanging, classified ads are perfect for you. If you are interested in buying a car, a home audio system, powerboat, a pet, looking for a house cleaner or even a business associates, classified ads website offer you the opportunity to choose among hundreds, maybe thousand of posting! Or you wish to sell your house, offer carpool, dispose off your unwanted stock or provide professional services, classified ads website can provide good exposure to your announcement.

    Classified ads website are a valuable source of information. It not only help in promoting your product or service and update the clients but will also generate sales for you. So why wait! Start looking for a reliable and professional classified ad website and you are on your way to achieve greater height for your goal!

    Saturday, July 14, 2018

    Minding Your Business-Actualizing Your Wise Business Mind

    Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Pam Britton

    In order to actualize anything we need to be fully present. In business, especially, we must remove all blinders. We must pay attention to all thoughts we have about the potential opportunity in front of us, not just the positives.


    Too many times we get so driven by the "money-making potential" that we set aside our rational minds, sweeping under the rug anything that doesn't feel quite right. If you want to not get burned you must stay grounded and centered and trust your inner wise mind.

    I now have under my business-belt of knowledge, some first-hand experience with a relatively new opportunity (which shall stay un-named) and wanted to share my process with you--


    To put it bluntly, what got me burned this time was greed. That's right-- pure, unadulterated greed! It is not something I am proud of but it is a human quality we all have.* Smart entrepreneurs need be aware of their own greed when considering investing time and money into any new business.

    *Greed is a spirit that you have the choice to adopt or not. We do not have greed until we make the decision to be greedy

    The wise business person activates and turns the volume way up on the discriminating mind's antennae. With so many online opportunities it is easy to get mislead or scammed. I'm not saying we should look for the scam potential in every opportunity we meet. I'm just saying we need to turn on our intuitive powers after we've completed the other fact-finding due diligence efforts.


    Once we've filtered out those parts that do not seem quite right we should look at those areas which do not fit with the rest of the picture. It is in those puzzle pieces that don't quite "fit in" that we may find the key to choosing or NOT choosing a legitimate, potentially profitable business opportunity.

    In my case, I have always given greatest weight to the opinions of business partners who I trust, who have steered me down paths that have been quite profitable. However, even those we trust and who we know are not scam artists are capable of walking down the wrong path by their own greed factors. This is what I believe happened to me with my recent business loss.


    My trusted business partner said to me as he referred me to this particular opportunity, that it had taken him a considerable amount of time to make up his mind before he decided to get started. He said what changed his mind was that others who had begun placing their advertising dollars into the opportunity were already in profit mode. He said they were doing well financially and had first-hand knowledge of these people. He went on to say that he trusted these entrepreneurs and knew their characters, so decided to give it a go. However, he did agree with me that the opportunity sounded "too good to be true"--both of us used to tell one another that "if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is!"

    What is noteworthy here is that I completely ignored my internal voice that was telling me not to take part in this business model as it definitely sounded too good to be true. My rational mind knew that it was too good to be true, yet I forged ahead anyway. I began engaging in "wishful thinking" that just this one time it was not too good to be true. In other words, I deluded myself. I placed a false protective shield around my efforts based not on reality, but on hope for a pie-in-the sky positive outcome, just in this one case--my case! Not very wise, indeed!


    1. The wise mind values the internal voice which intuits potential danger ahead.

    2. The wise business mind does not act on "too good to be true" sounding business opportunities.

    3. In short, to actualize your wise business mind pay close attention to your gut feeling and do not sweep it under the rug. Examine it very closely.

    4. Do not make any sudden or abrupt business decisions.

    5. Do not hesitate to stay away from an opportunity if your wise mind cautions you against it.

    6. Know that everyone, even your trusted business partners with whom you may have had many positive, profitable experiences, are only human and capable of greed, just like you.

    7. We are all human and capable of greed and delusion. The wise entrepreneur is aware of her/his own humanness and acts to reduce it!

    As always, going on beyond, I wish you well in your future business adventures!

    Pam :)

    Pam Britton is an entrepreneur, certified clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner who combines her passion for service with an entrepreneurial mindset. Pam offers phone coaching for those who wish to be positioned on the forefront of the latest trends in positive psychology. Learn more at

    Friday, July 13, 2018

    Minding Your Business-How To Build Your Opt-In List

    Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
    By: Steve Renner

    Before revealing the tricks of the trades, there are a few myths and fallacies that need to be cleared up. These common marketing misconceptions could be obstacle to you profiting from your online business.

    Email marketing is one of the most cost effective marketing methods today because virtually everyone uses email. When you are filling out various forms for processing different transactions online your email address is always required. A person without an email address is like a person without an online home, which is inexcusable for someone in this generation.

    Direct Email marketing (Spam) campaigns can offend a lot of people. The secret way around this problem is through permission-based marketing or Opt-In.

    The Real Deal with Building an Opt-In List

    Here's how you can benefit from the power of email marketing campaigns - building an Opt-In list.

    Building an good Opt-In list is not a cake walk for everyone, particularly for the uninformed. Here is a rundown of tips on how you can succeed with Opt-In Email Marketing.

    1. Strategic Data Collection

    Capture the email address from your site visitors. This will help you to build your business and make sales skyrocket. There are several tactics you can use to make people voluntarily provide you with their personal information. This will make it easier to get higher conversions.

    Ask only for the Opt-In, with their first name and email addresses.

    2. Good Implementation

    The old saying holds true - 'action speaks louder than words'. This easily translates to the difficulty people have when they go to executetheir email marketing efforts.

    There are various methods, often low-cost, around to help you build your Opt-In database.

    Tracking your email marketing results is important. You can use special software to handle this aspect of your marketing. This will help you to keep track of where your Opt-Ins are coming from.

    The following are the most widely used methods to leverage your Opt-In campaign without overspending:

    1. Use a Squeeze Page.

    This is an excellent tool for data collection and can providing you with fresh leads. Offer a Bribe, or Free Offer in exchange for their email address. Use forms that collect your visitor's name and email address.

    2. You can use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

    These are the more traditional ways of marketing that still work to generate traffic to your site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering a free newsletters and or a free product or service can work to get the email from your visitors.

    3. Maximize your sales force.

    An Affiliate Program can help you to benefit more from your email marketing campaign. Affiliates people with proper training on how to attract visitors can help you to get more Opt-In subscribers. 4. Don't make your point of sale confusing.

    Forms for signup located at the right spot on your Squeeze Page and other high-traffic pages can be very excellent ways for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales or some free bonus can be enough to coax them to supply you with the information you need.

    5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

    Using Offline techniques can work well and should be used in addition to Online Methods. Giveaway offers or entries in a contest are a great incentive for people to volunteer their contact details.

    These tactics should be applied with caution and you should focus on earning the trust of your Opt-In list instead of simply collecting data for your own benefit. Always make sure that the forms and other methods that you use will not be too difficult to use for the subscriber. You don't want people to not be annoyed during the sign up process.

    Armed with this information, you can't go wrong building your opt-in list!

    Steve Renner, Author, Marketing Expert and Marketing Director for The Affiliate Community