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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Fellowship Of Christian Athletes Radio Comes To US Sports Network

05/26/09 Washington DC Nate Lewis President of the US Sports Network Announced today that they have added the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes radio program: Sharing The Victory to their ever-growing lineup of On-Demand radio and video offerings:FCA Sharing the Victory Radio Program The Sharing the Victory program is an informing and inspirational half-hour program that will be published once a week. The radio program includes interviews with recognized athletes and coaches in a segment called “Champions of Faith,” plus FCA President/CEO Les Steckel’s commentaries on issues relating to the heart and soul in sports in his regular feature, “Coach’s Corner.” A veteran coach who spent 32 years at both the NFL and college levels, Steckel gained wisdom and experience through coaching.Tune in to Sharing The Victory each week on US Sports Network by Clicking Here.