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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Barbell EZ Lying Triceps Extension

This week we are getting down to the 'Ole Skool' exercises as summer fast approaches we know your iron pumping will greatly increase!
Train properly and be sure to use good form. You will not only look better, you will also be less likely to become a gym casualty from going hard the wrong way.
Barbell EZ Lying Triceps Extension View Video
Exercise Description:

Grasp the EZ Bar on either the inside bend or the outside bend of the bar. This will depend on your body and what feels best. Keep your upper arms and shoulders stationary as you bring the weight down to a position just slightly behind your head. Keep your elbows inside. Don’t let them flare to the outside during the lift. Exhale as you extend the weight back up to the starting position. This exercise is the key for developing the inner or long head of your triceps muscle and by using the EZ Bar you can reduce any negative pressure on your wrists and elbows. 

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Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

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