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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Today's Devotional: Thank You For Your Service!


In the Service of All

Ask God to help you see opportunities to bless others with the abilities He’s given you.  

- Intouch Ministries

May 12, 2023

1 Corinthians 12:18-26

Many of us have heard sermons about working as members of Christ’s body. Even so, when it comes to using our talents and gifts, people often think too small. They may picture the choir singer or the Sunday school teacher, and if they don’t happen to be a good fit for such roles, they become discouraged and choose to watch from the sidelines. 

It’s time to start thinking of this work in a different way.  The church is not a place or a time; it is a body of believers, each one uniquely gifted by God to guide, help, challenge, and support the rest. 

Paul’s metaphor of body parts working together harmoniously is a helpful description of how one action can have widespread impact. Consider the way tensing your big toe steadies your whole body. A humble part has a very important role to play, doesn’t it? In the same way, a gentle rebuke, a listening ear, or a loving deed can strengthen a brother or sister who is then better able to support another member. In that way, the whole church benefits. 

Our purpose on this earth is to serve God and His kingdom. We do so by ministering to each other in ways that build up and beautify the church as a whole.

Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 5-7

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