Sunday Reflection: We All Win Together
Are you working to build your kingdom or God's?
February 19, 2023
To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the scriptures referenced throughout.
Church should be a place where Christians shed the world’s competitive spirit. But instead, it’s sometimes yet another arena where people strive for personal glory.
When we treat our sanctuaries like stages, chasing the spotlight, we end up building our own kingdoms instead of God’s. And our brothers and sisters in Christ can become stepping stones or, worse, collateral damage.
This problem isn’t new, nor is its solution. What Jesus taught the disciples to abandon was not the pursuit of excellence but the path of self-exaltation. In other words, if we’re competing for anything, it should be for last place—so that we might all triumph together in becoming a true reflection of Christ.
Do you see something of yourself in these descriptions? If so, ask the Holy Spirit for help correcting course and aligning your heart with His.
Think about it
• Read Romans 12:10-21 and Matthew 20:1-15. Are there any specific areas of your life that need to be reoriented so that they align with these verses? With whom are you competing? How can you shift toward honoring and serving them instead?
Bible in One Year: Numbers 31-32
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