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Saturday, December 25, 2021

The StrengthCast Power Show and Do You Need Motivation To Get Fitter and Healthier? An Online Fitness Program May Be The Answer

  •  Author Julia Mccabe

During COVID-19 lockdowns, many of us turned to online fitness classes.

Some people followed celebrities on YouTube, others signed up to companies that offered a range of online classes, and others logged onto Zoom classes that their local gym teachers were running. There were lots of choices available for the few months spent at home during lockdown.

When the COVID-19 restrictions lifted, most people then returned to their local gyms or outdoor classes as they were keen to see other people again and get back to some normality.

How has your fitness progressed since then? Has everyday life got in the way of training? Are you skipping classes when you are tired after a day’s work in an office? Are you needing motivated again?

At fitandhappy, we have continued offering our clients online personal training and online classes. They have proved to be popular for many reasons. Some clients found they just preferred training at home, others are still nervous about catching COVID-19, and a few like a mix of outdoor classes and online classes.

Types of Online Fitness Classes

Online classes vary from you following a recorded class to a fully interactive class using a video conference application like Zoom.

With a recorded class, you can take part at whatever time you want but no one will know if you work hard, skip part of the class, or do the exercises correctly. If you are new to exercise there is a chance that you could hurt yourself by not following the instructions properly.

An interactive class will cost more but the instructor will provide you with individual feedback and encouragement and will motivate you to keep going. They will also ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly without damaging your back or straining muscles.

Benefits of Online Training

The main benefit of online training is that you can work out at home.

If you choose a pre-recorded class, you can work out at any time that suits you whether that is at 6am when you get up or at 10pm when your children have gone to bed.

Many people who are carers find online training suits them best. It means they can do a workout but if needed by the person or child who they are caring for, they can just leave the class and be of assistance immediately.

People who have never attended a fitness class before often find that it is easier to start getting fit by being in the comfort of their own home. They might feel they are too unfit or overweight and want to gain some confidence before joining a class in a gym.

Fitandhappy online training for women

At fitandhappy in Edinburgh, we offer both pre-recorded classes and an online personal training programme. We want our clients to be able to get fitter, healthier and happier no matter what their circumstances.

Our online personal training programme is about more than just personal training sessions. To ensure you do get fitter and have more confidence and energy to live your life, we also include nutrition advice, sleep and stress management, access to live classes, good habit tracking, and results tracking. With so much interaction from our expert personal trainers and coaches, you won’t want to miss your personal training sessions or classes.

And remember, whether you choose to go to a gym, take part in an outdoor boot camp or try online fitness classes, they will all help you get fitter and healthier. The endorphins released during exercise will make you feel good and improve your mental health too.

Julia McCabe is the owner of fitandhappy and a qualified personal trainer and nutrition coach.

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