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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tactical P.E. on US Sports Net Presents: 8:46 - Dave Chappelle

We take a different approach to today's post Athletes and Warriors. With all that is going on in today's world involving the police, citizens, our basic freedoms and our need to defend them; it always helps to laugh a little while thinking about our response.

So today we take a side step away from our usual police bodycams, and videos of prepared citizens becoming tactical athletes, to bring in one of the most surprisingly (and raw explicit language warning here) insightful thought leaders (and yes comedian) in the culture; to talk about and help us find ways to think about why the world is in the state that is. It should also inspire us to look upward toward our great creator who provided us with all of the tools we need to conquer all forces of evil, through the blood of Jesus. Enjoy!

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