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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: What Is God Saying To You Right NOW? | Joseph Prince

What you focus on in these dark times makes all the difference! This excerpt is from: What To Focus On In Dark Times (29 Mar 2020)

While the world is rife with fear and uncertainty, God wants us—His children—to know what He’s doing and what He’s saying. In this relevant and timely message, discover heavenly perspectives that will help you: 

 • Receive a revelation of God’s inexhaustible supply and be supernaturally provided for. • Willingly receive your loving Savior into every situation and see your cares melt away. 

• Fix your eyes on Him and His goodness and be transformed from glory to glory. 

• Experience renewed hope when you hear God’s plan to bring a fresh revival of healing all over the world. Align your focus with God’s promises in His Word and begin to live life as an overcomer!

My Sheep hear My Voice: How to hear from God and Prosper?

By: Joseph Ho

You may wonder what was it that motivated me to want to hear his voice. Well, it’s sad but true, we do not seek God until we need him desperately. For me, I had 5 crises that happened to me in the year 1997, I needed a miracle in short. I found God and he spoke to me. God also gave me confirmations through scriptures that he is the one who spoke to me. This gave me peace and assurance, he is a good God, and we should not fear that we will hear a different voice. I was elated, surprised and very excited about this new found counselor. Then, I read that God can do anything even impossible things, and that is when I decided that God can speak to me in anyways he chose. The bible says in John 10:27, "My sheep hears my voice; I know them and they follow Me." and again in John 10:3 – 5, "The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and he sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice."

Here is a simply analogy, I want you to reflect on your natural father; how do you recognize your father’s voice when he calls you on the phone. What is it about the voice that makes you recognize that it is your true father on the other line? First, it was the tone of his voice, and second it is the way he uses certain words, and thirdly, it is the way he speaks and his unique speech, fourth, it was the historical relationship with him that he can use certain events to jolt your memories all these combined together, gave you an idea that it is truly your father who is speaking to you. So have no fear that you will hear a wrong voice, we have a way to know if God is the one speaking to us.

Finally, be blessed in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and my prayers will accompany you as you seek to hear his voice. He promised me through the bible verse: Isaiah 32:3, "Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. Then the mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear." Let your ears and eyes be opened as you seek to hear from him, and may he also cause you to hear, and see what goodness he has prepared for those who seek him. Finding him is finding an eternal treasure, for if God is for you, who can be against you. Whatever may be your situation, if God speaks to you, you will find a second chance and a way in the wilderness and he will lead you out of your trouble, I know because I came out of the wilderness because I hear his voice and like a sheep I followed the voice of the Shepherd and I came out of my pits. Truthfully, what have you got to lose? Go check out this book which was created to serve those who sincerely want to find a connection to the throne of God. You can find this book at

Joseph Ho Numbers 33:33, Job 33:33, Ezekiel 33:33 Pro-Temp President of Thy Scepter, A business owner organization Member of CMBC, FGBMFI, Singapore Email:

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