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Saturday, April 6, 2019

iHealthTube Featuring: 5 Supplements Most People Need and Why Do We Need Antioxidants in Multivitamin Supplements?

It's hard to know where to start when it comes to vitamins and supplements. But Dr. Nalini Chilkov discusses the five supplements that most of us probably need. Also, learn more specifics about these supplements, especially if you have certain health conditions!

Why Do We Need Antioxidants in Multivitamin Supplements?
By: Adrian Scott
In the fight against free radicals, antioxidant multi vitamin supplements used to be considered pretty effective. Yet, disturbing data has been revealed by recent research, because while up to a point antioxidant multi vitamin supplements counteract the impact of free radicals, they make them more powerful from a certain point onwards. Before you start using any form of supplements, you should first review your diet.

What are free radicals?
Free radicals are some by products of cellular activity, extra molecules released by the body in the condition of excessive sun exposure and pollution. Free radicals are held responsible for the aging process, they weaken the body and make recovery slower. Free radicals are called 'free' because they attached to the wall of the cell and steal essential elements causing immense tissue damage.

Why do we need antioxidant multi vitamin supplements?
Vitamins A, C and E are normally taken from diet, on the one condition that we consume a balanced amount of nutrients from all the food categories. Yet, irregular meals and chaotic schedules prevent many people from eating regularly. Doctors prescribe antioxidant multi vitamin supplements to people who can hardly stick to their meals over the day. With two or three capsules daily you can achieve good disease prevention against heart illness, stroke or cancer.

What to use instead of antioxidant multi vitamin supplements?
If you don't want to supplement, then watch your diet carefully. Dark green vegetables are the richest in nutrients. They should be consumed raw, because by cooking vitamins are destroyed. Just wash them well and make some delicious salads; use olive oil for the dressing. We should here mention beets, eggplants, onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and yellow corn. As for fruits, there are some that contain more antioxidants than others: raisins, berries, oranges, grapes and cherries.

Side effects of antioxidant multi vitamin supplements
Some people have reported adverse reactions to antioxidant supplements. Most problems are digestive including constipation, diarrhea, nausea and black stools. The incidence is higher for the consume of liquid multivitamins. If you pay attention to the dosage and you follow the doctor's orders, you can easily reduce the risk of such side effects. Do not self-medicate particularly when you suffer from some chronic disease.

Other natural antioxidants!
There are other substances and chemicals that the body can use to fight free radicals, and these elements act in combination with vitamins. Normally, the secretion of free radicals increases because of pollution and extensive sun exposure. Green tea, gingko biloba, grape seed extract, zinc and selenium have a powerful antioxidant effect. These substances are either taken from diet or from herbal supplements. Have several fruit servings per day and drink one or two cups of green tea.
Adrian Scott, media director at Pro Vitasupps enjoys writing and educating about health and fitness on several online publications.The company's first product Multivitamin For Men is now available on Amazon.

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