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Thursday, March 7, 2019

iHealthTube Featuring You Never Knew Chiropractic Helps With These Things!

Chiropractic isn't just for back injuries. You may be surprised at all of the things chiropractic visits can help with. Dr. Matthew Christenson discusses some of these things as well as why you might want to consider chiropractic as a maintenance tool instead of reacting after an issue. [Video and more below]

An excerpt from McLean VA Chiropractor....
......Many people suffer unnecessarily from back pain, neck pain and joint pain. But when it comes to choosing the right chiropractor in Portland, its hard to know exactly what questions to ask and how to determine if your chiropractor is qualified.

Your health and wellness are your greatest asset and source of happiness. For this reason its important to make sure you do your research and know everything you need to know before hiring anyone to work on your body.Headaches can be a pain in the neck 

Very often the pain you feel as a headache is actually referred pain from your neck. Referred pain is pain that develops in one part of the body but is felt in another. A common example of referred pain is the arm pain many people feel before or during a heart attack. 

Pain that originates in your neck can have a number of causes. Stress is the top culprit, causing muscles and ligaments in the neck to tighten. When this happens, your vertebrae can be thrown out of alignment, and nerve fibers and blood vessels that are connected with those in your head may become inflamed. Ouch! 

Poor posture is another cause of neck and head pain. Although your head and spine have a natural alignment that provides maximum support, many people have a tendency to lean forward, especially when looking at a computer or television screen, driving, or compensating for the heft of a backpack. When you lean forward, the weight of your head-somewhere between 12 and 15 pounds-strains muscles of the back of your neck and can pull your spine out of alignment. 

Arthritis in your neck (the cervical section of your spine) causes headaches, neck and back pain. This is due to degeneration of the vertebrae, which is common when we age. 

Signs that your headache originates in your neck are: 

You have regular headaches of varying length and degrees of pain, with no consistent cyclical pattern. Pain is felt on one side of your head. Your headache is preceded by pain in the neck or shoulders. You have a history of neck injury, such as whiplash. 

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