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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Conflict Resolution and Police Training - Talk about Training and Conflict Resolution Training - How to Get the Most Out Of Attending A Conflict Resolution Workshop

Presented on US Sports Net By Vi By Lifebeam! - Personal Safety, Conflict Management Training and Advice from Sector Experts at Dynamis and Director of Training Gerard O'Dea. In this video I talk with Gary Mills, an ex-Police Officer and national-level Police Firearms Trainer about our experiences of teaching and learning verbalisation skills to go along with use-of-force training.

Conflict Resolution Training - How to Get the Most Out Of Attending A Conflict Resolution Workshop

By: Paul Endress


Attending a well designed conflict resolution workshop can be a beneficial experience for you and your organization. Companies may hesitate to make the investment in time and money that is required to attend a high quality conflict resolution workshop, but the outlay will pay for itself many times over with happier employees, increased productivity, reduced management time, and less turnover.

By following these five tips, you and your group can maximize the benefits of attending a conflict resolution workshop.

Be sure to select a quality workshop. There are many vendors who provide conflict resolution workshops as well as dozens of other unrelated programs. Make sure that the provider is an expert in the subject matter and that the event is being led by an accomplished instructor who uses modern technology and audience interaction to hold the attention of the attendees. If the workshop is fun and not a chore, everyone will learn more and return with a new set of skills that will benefit them for many years to come.
You don’t need to wait until you have conflict. While a conflict resolution workshop can be extremely useful in resolving a conflict once it has begun, it can also be a powerful vaccination against future conflict causing damage within your organization. While attending a workshop won’t prevent conflict from developing, it will provide your staff with the knowledge and ability to respond in a non destructive manner when challenges arise. Having these skills in place before the conflict will benefit everyone because it will allow the conflict to be resolved with a positive outcome.

Play all out. A well designed conflict resolution workshop will include some lecture time, but will rely on surveys, exercises which practice what is being taught (not role playing), self discovery, and group discussion. Using these methods makes sure that everyone absorbs the skills and has integrated them at an unconscious level so they can use them without having to think about it. Everyone will maximize their learning experience if you commit to participating completely in the interactive learning experience.

Need a personal trainer? Let Vi show you what she can do!


Give everyone the freedom to pay attention. To make sure that your group gets the most out of the event, ensure that everyone is free from work responsibility for the duration of the workshop. Let supervisors and co-workers know that attending the workshop is important and that the participant should be considered to unreachable for most of the day. If the person attending the conflict resolution workshop is forced to divert their attention from the meeting, it dramatically decreases their ability to learn. Having to shift their attention between work and learning destroys the continuity of the experience and may cause them to miss vital information. Allow them to turn their cell phone or Blackberry off for the day!

Don’t expect people to be "fixed". I have had people "sent" to my conflict resolution workshop to be "fixed" because they are exhibiting bad behaviors and their coworkers were complaining. 

Author, Speaker, Conflict Resolution Expert Paul Endress creates and teaches both online and onsite programs that certify business leaders on how to set values and beliefs to prevent and resolve organizational conflict. Endress has been quoted on the front page of USATODAY, as well as in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, and dozens of other leading business publications.

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