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Sunday, December 30, 2012

These foods kill cancer cells (but there's a catch)

Cancer Defeated Publications

Here's another good reason for you to

    According to research published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, a plant nutrient called sulforaphane is highly selective in its battle against cancer.

    Unlike traditional chemotherapy drugs, this nutrient has been shown to target and destroy prostate, breast and other cancer cells—while leaving healthy cells untouched! You don't want to miss this natural miracle from the produce section. . .

Continued below. . .

Video of the Week:
"Shocking Confessions of a Drug Company Insider"
    In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video now because your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

    Sulforaphane is part of the group of compounds called isothiocyanates (ITC). These compounds are ABUNDANT in broccoli and other cruiciferous vegetables such as:
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Collard and kale greens
  • Radish
  • Turnips
  • Watercress
    These vegetables don't contain a dusting of ITCs on their skins! You have to actually chew or chop them to break down their cell membranes.

    This brings their sulfur-containing chemicals in contact with certain enzymes that occur in the vegetables themselves AND in your own digestive tract. These enzymes are essential to releasing the sulforaphane/ITC nutrient. Without the enzymes, it doesn't matter how much broccoli and cabbage you eat.

    Some folks prefer to cook their vegetables to help get 'em down the hatch. But you should know that the greatest cancer-fighting benefits come with eating them raw.

    This is because cooking at high heat will deactivate the enzyme that helps produce cancer-killing ITCs! Raw or lightly cooked vegetables will deliver the greatest health benefits.

    If you don't know about enzymes, it's time you did! Everyone needs to take them as supplements AND eat enzyme-rich foods as well. Enzymes are every bit as important as vitamins and minerals. I wrote the book on this subject, called The Missing Ingredient for Good Health.

    Like many plants, cruciferous vegetables are rich in the very enzymes you need to digest them. Besides sulforaphane, they're also rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and in other compounds that help make them mean, green cancer-fighting machines.

    Vitamin K is a wonder all by itself. I take it as a supplement in addition to eating large amounts of broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower and watercress (watercress is a super addition to a salad). I could go on for a very long time about all the natural "medicines" in cruciferous vegetables, but let me get back to sulforaphane.

    Exactly how does it work its magic against cancer? Well, numerous study results show that this health defender carries out…
A multi-pronged attack against deadly cancer cells!
    Essentially, sulforaphane uses several highly effective strategies to protect you from cancer. This includes actions that:
  • Block damaging enzyme reactions—sulforaphane blocks phase 1 enyzmes that can activate carcinogens in your body
  • Inhibit cancer cell growth—cancer cells grow and multiply quickly until they get a dose of sulforaphane; it has a unique ability to shut 'em down
  • Promote cancer cell suicide—not only does it stop them from growing, but sulforaphane also induces apoptosis (natural cell death) in various types of cancer cells
  • Rev up beneficial enzyme action—increasing phase 2 antioxidant enzymes helps reduce harmful inflammation that can promote cancer cell growth and prevent apoptosis
    Sulforaphane also provides protection against several types of bacteria, including E.Coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.

    Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties have many folks interested in using sulforaphane as a topical cosmetic.

    It's a wonder drug in a plant — and you don't need a prescription.

    Now this isn't pie-in-the-sky fantasy! These conclusions come from documented clinical research and observation.

    Respected physician and medical writer, Dr. Ray Sahelian endorses sulforaphane as a product that can help detoxify your body and protect against a variety of cancers.

    Dr. Sahelian's website cites numerous scientific studies that prove its healthful benefits.
Here's what some studies have shown so far…
    Scientists have noted amazing results when studying the inhibiting effects of sulforaphane on chemically-induced cancers in a variety of animal studies.

    Here are just a few examples:
  • Breast—researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center studied mice with breast cancer to document the number of cancer stem cells in breast tumors. They injected the mice with different concentrations of sulforaphane. The investigators found that sulforaphane 1) significantly reduced the number of cancer stem cells, 2) left ordinary cells unharmed, and 3) stopped breast cancer cells from producing new tumors
  • Colon —investigators at the State University of New Jersey found that mice given a diet supplemented with sulforaphane for three weeks developed significantly fewer and smaller polyps in their small intestines
  • Lung—Beijing University scientists found that 9 days after implanting tumor cells in the lungs of mice, those treated with sulforaphane injections had tumors weighing more than 70 percent less than those in control mice!
  • Prostate—2011 studies concluded by scientists in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University demonstrated that sulforaphane selectively targeted cancerous prostate cells and left normal cells unharmed
    This is merely a sampling of the many positive anti-cancer properties of this powerhouse broccoli nutrient. Research teams are continuing to monitor human clinical trials and animal studies for additional evidence.

    So are YOU convinced that broccoli and its cousins are one of Mother Nature's kick-butt cancer cures?

    The evidence abundantly shows this to be true. But no one expects you to develop an overnight fondness for this group of vegetables. Whatever the reason, many folks just can't stomach the idea of chomping on broccoli. The first President Bush famously announced he refused to eat it. I can't stand Brussels sprouts myself.

    The good news is some manufacturers have developed supplements that extract the healthy sulforaphane from vegetables and make it available in pill form.

    So if broccoli, cauliflower, kale and turnips just don't appeal to you—you can still benefit from their anti-cancer strength without holding your nose before each bite!

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