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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Excellence does not happen by accident

-By Marie

The Desire to Win

What will YOU do to win???

1.  Will you train hard?
2.  Eat right?
3.  Get enough sleep?
4.  Work on proper technique?

I will mention Michael Jordan right now,  because he started at the bottom and ended on the top.  He was cut once from his High School basketball team, and now he is considered to be one of the best, if not THE best basketball player of all time.

As you lace up your shoes to walk out on to the court/field, can you say that you have properly prepared for the game you are about to play?  Have you done each of the 4 things mentioned above?  If your answer is yes, you have made a step in the right direction.  Nothng can beat proper preparation  Not natural physical talent, or coaching during the game.

I have never heard anyone say at the beginning of a game that they don't care if they win or lose, but if you have not done all you can do before the game starts, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.

As a professional player MJ was known for his game preparation.  He worked out in the gym 2 hours a day during the season, and 3 to 4 hours a day during the off-season.  Even after scoring 60 points in a game, he would watch that film and point out the things he could have done better.

Everyone wants to PLAY like Mike.  But ask yourself again.  Have you PREPARED like Mike?

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