Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with X-Sinner

Having Confidence in Christ 

From CDM

Have you ever started something important, only to lose confidence because you heard or saw something negative about it? When we’re unsure of something, it’s much easier to be discouraged from completing the task. A strong level of confidence is critical to the success of everything we do, because when we’re confident about something, nothing can shake our faith. We’re susceptible to failure when we base our confidence in ourselves, but not when we base it in Christ.

Every promise God made to us in His Word, whether it’s healing, peace, joy, prosperity, or deliverance, is true. Having confidence in these promises puts us in the position to receive them, but we must always be prepared to encounter resistance. Our enemy, the devil, will suggest things to make us wonder if the promises can actually come true for us. This is spiritual warfare; we win when we steadfastly trust in and rely on the finished works of Jesus until we see the peace of mind that brings us into God’s promised place of rest.
What blocks the manifestation of the promises is when we let stress, anxiety, and worry push us out of that place of rest. This is exactly what the devil wants, but whatever happens, we mustn’t lose focus on the grace of God. The only time stress and anxiety threatened to overcome Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, but He overcame these emotions by acknowledging His trust in God’s ability to take Him through everything He had to go through on our behalf.
Faith is required if we are to experience God’s best in our lives, but it won’t always be easy. When we feel outside pressure weighing on us, it takes work to stay at peace. Leaning on Christ gives us the strength for the task and the confidence we need to stand firm.
Father God, You sent us Your Son to give us someone in whom we can truly have confidence. Though I’m prone to make mistakes, You are not. Total faith and trust in You brings me to that place of rest where I can find peace, and You never let me go even when fear or stress tries to knock me out of that rest. In Jesus’ name, I thank You. Amen.

John 10:10
Ephesians 6:12
Hebrews 4:1-3, 11
Matthew 26:36-39
Luke 22:39-44
2 Thessalonians 2:15
1 Corinthians 16:13
Ephesians 6:10
For more on how trusting and having confidence in Jesus opens the door to receive the blessings He wants us to have, click on the link for the three-DVD series, Confidence in Christ.

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