Thursday, May 28, 2020

Creflo Dollar Ministries Featuring: Confessions and Don't Jump Ship

Covid Outreach

by Creflo and Taffi Dollar 
 Hi everyone! I miss seeing you in person, and I’ll be glad when all this is over and we can be together again. In the meantime, I want to continue to share encouragement with you and share some powerful Scriptures to help everyone get through this pandemic. 

 God wants us to have peace!
Shalom is wholeness, peace, and prosperity.
It’s not unusual to feel a bit of fear because of everything we’re seeing around us, and all the scary news reports. We’ve got to be careful not to let those reports influence us, because they have the potential for putting us in panic mode. We are spirits living in physical bodies and possessing souls, which is where our emotions reside. God wants us to prosper emotionally; in other words, He wants us to have peace in our souls. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). Thank the Lord that you are whole, healed, and sound. Thank Him that your relationships are right, you don’t walk in strife, and you are delivered because of the body of Jesus Christ!
 Peace is our most valuable asset!
Be filled with the joy, love, and peace of God.
We need to guard our eye gates and our ear gates carefully, because the enemy uses the bad things we see and hear to steal our peace. As I’ve said before, peace is our most valuable asset! Whatever it is we’re contemplating, it’s too expensive if it costs us our peace. Staying connected to God in prayer, and focusing on Jesus Christ and the good health He’s made available to us, helps us maintain our peace. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). Guard your ears today; guard your eyes today; speak the Word of God out of your mouth today. Every weapon that’s formed against you, catch it and say, “No, no, that won’t happen to me. I live by the Word of God. I’m not moved by what I see. I’m not moved by what I hear. I’m moved by the Word of God!”
 Master your emotions with peace!
God’s peace is available to you.
Fear stands for “false evidence appearing real.” Fears can actually be worse than any virus going around. Satan is fear; don’t allow him entrance into your life. We must master our emotions with the peace that God wants us to have. This means we need to be able to respond correctly when negative emotions hit because of a bad situation around us. God will deliver you from all your fears, and honor you with His presence and power!

 You have the wisdom of God!
The Spirit of truth abides in you and teaches you all things!
The most powerful thing you can have access to right now is the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do. The wisdom of God is made available to His children. It’s the thing that just comes up out of your spirit; all of a sudden it’s in your mind. All of a sudden wisdom, light comes on, an enlightenment comes on. I believe that we will walk in the wisdom of God. There are some things that have been a secret to you, but they will be revealed to you because of the wisdom of God!
 Find Scripture
There’s power in the Word of God! There’s power in speaking the Word of God! There’s power in confessing the Word of God!
A few years ago, the doctors diagnosed me with cancer. I felt my emotions trying to take me away, but I worked hard to maintain my peace. Another time, I was diagnosed with meningitis. I responded to it the same way—by finding Scriptures on healing, meditating on them, and verbally declaring them every time I felt fear knocking on the door. I learned that, because of God’s love for you, you can call on Him and He will deliver you from all your fears.
 God loves us!
All day, remind yourself that you’re blessed!
I want all of you to do the same thing. God loves us, and we can trust that succumbing to sickness isn’t His will for us. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3). This is the kind of thing to meditate on. You are loved with the love of Christ!
 Coming to the aid of the community
Creflo Dollar Ministries is committed to helping our community! We’ve given lunches to local school children, donated supplies to nursing homes, and purchased masks and gloves for local hospitals.
Watch this video to see how CDM is making a difference during these trying times.
 We will walk in love!
Speak kind words
Ephesians 4:29, 30 says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” We grieve the Holy Spirit based on how we treat one another. So, if you’re walking in unforgiveness with someone, if you are angry with someone, if you’re not speaking kind words to other people, when you’re mean to people, when you take things out on people who had nothing to do with it, the Word says that grieves the Holy Spirit. We don’t want to have a bad attitude toward anyone and treat them mean and, in essence, grieve the Holy Spirit because of how we’re feeling today. Today, we’re going to walk in love. If we can’t find anything good to say, we won’t say anything at all or we’ll just say, “Praise God.” We won’t allow any frustrations to be used to go off on other people. Our days will be filled with the joy, love, and peace of God!

Here’s a special message just for you to help keep you encouraged through this time.

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