Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Truth About Vaccines Featuring: What Parents NEED To Know About Vaccinations To Ensure Child Safety

It doesn't matter which side of the vaccine debate you are on. You need to know all the facts before you make a final decision. Watch the 7-part docu-series to learn The Truth About Vaccines to get educated on both sides of the debate: 

The Truth About Vaccines - 7 Episodes - Complete Transcripts

In this 7-part series, you will hear from 60 top scientists who dive into the actual science behind the debate, including... - The History of Vaccines - Vaccine Risk and Safety Concerns - Top Vaccine Alternatives

Quick question -- how many vaccinations did you get as a kid?
Did you know that kids these days are required to get something like 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they’re six years old? 
That’s kindergarten age! 

And by the age of 18, the CDC recommends they get 69 doses of 16 vaccines!
We realize medical science is advancing rapidly and we want to prevent disease, but doesn’t that seem outlandish? 

Every trip to the doctor’s office now isn’t complete until you get your injections. And now parents are asking now whether too many vaccines are destroying kids’ immune systems and causing lifelong reactions. 

There’s been a public outcry from folks like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Robert DeNiro and others in the last few years about it, which got us thinking... How much are these vaccines affecting our children? Is the flu shot they tell us to get really stopping the flu? Or is it quietly destroying our immune system in the process? 

Whatever it is -- there’s more to the story that we’re not being told. We've done a deep dive into this issue, and we all need to be educated about what’s going on in our country with this whole vaccine issue. Click here to Watch the Series.

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