Saturday, December 28, 2019

Recuper8: Pain Free Recuperation for Tactical First Responders Presented on US Sports Net by TacFit 26 CLICK HERE FREE PROGRAM for all tactical first responders in fire rescue, military and law enforcement, and anyone suffering the ravages of excessive stress. Created and donated by TACFIT Founder Scott Sonnon, consultant to federal law enforcement agencies, military special operations units, and fire departments worldwide.

THE ERA OF THE MACHINE ENDS! era of massive fields of cardio equipment and warehouses of strength training machines may still be dominant in extreme-fee globo-gyms, but people have been rapidly discovering the problems inherent in these membership-driven agendas.
Machines offer you increased security by dictating your range of motion. By removing your potential freedom to move, they isolate individual muscles and control you through small motions. We have found with painful awareness, our health is greater than the sum of their over-priced machines. Healthy movement cannot be compartmentalized. Some may have short-term gains, but with devastating long term problems: aches and pains from isolation overuse. If you don’t move it (as a whole motion, under voluntary control), you WILL lose it FASTER!
The freedom of movement that you sacrifice, in the name of the machine-controlled security, does not return; it disappears. In the past decade since weʼve been qualifying professionals worldwide and consulting for government standards agencies, we’ve participated in the eruption of a massive grass-roots resurrection of oldschool, low-tech, low-cost classics: clubbells, kettlebells, monkey bars, gymnastic rings and straps, sandbags, parallel bars, medicine balls, and the oldest school of them all – human movement often called calisthenics or bodyweight conditioning. These tried-and-true tools survived, not because theyʼre merely inexpensive, and require NO maintenance, but because they restore our freedom: something we have been reclaiming in many
aspects of society.

Moving freely and powerfully like the mythical John Henry, without machine control, we develop true functional fitness through movement, not merely muscles. This is how in our system, we’ve ELIMINATED injuries in federal agencies, where injuries are usually high, and where physical conditioning is an absolute job requirement. Old school retro tools have hidden since hundred thousand dollar gerbil-wheels dull our wits and distract us from the beauty of our movement. These methods have been proven on the mat, in the field and on the streets, so we KNOW that they can return back into our homes, where they belong, to you.
We were once, every one of us, gracefully powerful. And we can be again. We can choose freedom of movement over the inevitable painful tyranny of machines. We can return to inexpensive, retro-tech homesteading, totally-green fitness, and reclaim our infinite potential for true functionality in strength and agility.
We only need to remember how.

Click here to get started today! 

BORED WITH REPETITION? WANT VARIETY? only does your nervous system CRAVE variety, but scientists have identified aging as “the process of LOSING variety.” If you want to accelerate rapid aging, stop moving, and let machines control you. Neuroscientists recently discovered that our brain evolved for one specific purpose: to increase variety of movement potential. Is it any wonder why the conventional machine-driven approach has failed us? Itʼs counter to our very nature!
A return to the ancient tools which have survived millennia of testing, coupled with a modern scientific understanding of “the fascial web” of human movement, allows us to always have variety. If you had over a hundred workouts, which would only ever have simple steps, never confusing, always easy to understand because they’re the NEXT step that your body craves, then you would have enough variety to last a lifetime. Iʼd like to share with you the “lifetime of fitness” I created, validated and proliferated over the past 20 years. I assembled this in a step-by-step, turn-key fashion that you’ll never feel lost or overwhelmed, and yet you always feel perfectly stimulated to have continued progress and results. Nothing in the entire fitness world has
ever been created for this purpose with such front-loaded preparation that you only need to turn the page and
discover exactly what to do next. Learn more and get started today!

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