Monday, December 30, 2019

Dr. Eric Berg Featuring: What’s so Good About Tahini Butter?

Have you tried tahini butter? If not, you should. For more info on health-related topics, go here
Today we're going to talk about tahini butter and the benefits of tahini butter. 

What is tahini butter? 
Tahini butter is basically ground sesame seeds. 

 Is tahini butter keto-friendly? Yes, it is! 

Tahini butter benefits: 
• It's keto-friendly 
• It has a good amount of healthy fats with great protein 
• It has a lot of nutrition 
• It's rich in phytonutrients 
• It has methionine 
• It's loaded with vitamin B1, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and manganese 
• It can help support cholesterol levels 
• It can help support blood pressure 
• It can help reduce anxiety 
• It can help reduce dizziness 
• It can help reduce headaches 

 I would recommend consuming tahini butter raw. That way, you get the vitamin E complex and other fat-soluble vitamins, including linoleic acid. Different ways to consume tahini butter: 
• In salad dressings 
• In hummus 
• Mixed in other nut butters

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