Friday, September 6, 2019

Police Activity Featuring: Bodycam Footage of Police Shootout With Armed Suspect in Pasadena, California Presented by TacFit Survival
 ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Pasadena police released bodycam video Wednesday of an officer-involved shooting that left an armed suspect dead. The shooting occurred May 17 in the 1500 block of Glen Avenue at approximately 6:30 p.m. Police had received a call regarding a man who was armed. Police said they confronted a suspect who was wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a firearm. An officer-involved shooting occurred when the suspect allegedly pointed the firearm, an AR-15 assault rifle, at them. "Drop the gun," is yelled at multiple times by officers, the video shows. There was an exchange of gunfire, police said. The suspect, identified as Daniel Warren, was pronounced dead at the scene. Two guns were recovered at the scene. No officers were injured. RAW Bodycam Videos: 
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USA Gun Control

By: Aurelia Masterson

Introduction – What we are going to do is politically discuss the issues related to gun control.

Does Gun Control Reduce Crime? – Emphatically no. Never once did it ever do that.

Below are several studies that can be researched on the Internet yourself that document the fact that gun control never reduces crime.

New Jersey – In 1996 New Jersey passed what was considered to be the most stringent gun laws in the USA. Two years later their murder rate went up 46% and their robbery rate about doubled.

Hawaii – In 1968 Hawaii passed harsh gun laws. At the time of the legislation their murder rate was 2.4 per 100,000 per year. Nine years later their murder rate had tripled to 7.2 per 100,000.

Washington, D.C. – In 1976 they passed a major gun control law. They even stopped people from owning guns in their homes. Their murder rate went up 134% while the USA rate for murder dropped 2%.

New York City – They have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world. All sales of any sort of gun are restricted and tightly controlled. 20% of all armed robberies in the USA are committed in New York City and they do not have anywhere close to 20% of the population. This is what happens when the criminals know a certain population is unlikely to be unable to defend themselves.

Chicago, New York City, Detroit and Washington, D.C.- Each of these cities has accomplished a virtual ban on the private ownership of guns. The Washington D.C laws are being fought out in the appellate courts at present. These four cities have 20% of the homicides in the USA yet they only make up 6% of the USA population. This means that restrictive gun control leads to a tripling of the homicide rate. Some one is going to say wait the population in these areas is why the murder rate is so high. Fine we can look at Arlington, Virginia which is a city right across the Potomac River from Washington D.C with sensible gun control laws so the population base should not be that different. Their murder rate is 10% of Washington D.C. (7.0 murders per 100,000 people versus 77.8 murders per 100,000 people in Washington D.C). We can also look to Virginia Beach, Va. a nearby city of 400,000. They have sensible gun laws allowing for easy access to firearms and their murder rate is 4.1 per 100,000.

Other Effects Non-Restrictive Gun Laws have on Crime – In the USA in a given year law abiding citizens kills 2,000 to 3,000 criminals. They also wound another 9,000 to 17,000 criminals a year. This is a reduction in the load of violent crimes the government must arrest, detain, prosecute and imprison. It also sends a strong signal to the other would be criminals. Criminals worry far more about an encounter with an armed law abiding citizen than a policeman. Police are most likely going to be polite about asking the criminal to drop their weapon and submit. The citizen in fear of protecting himself and his family is going to be much more prone to firing his weapon than a police officer. Criminals’ greatest fear is running into an armed victim when committing a crime. This was based on a study of 1874 felons from 10 states. In this study 38% of these felons said at least one time they had been scared off, shot at or wounded by an armed victim. Only 1% of the time do criminals take a gun away from a victim, yet 10% of the police officers that are shot, are shot with their own guns. Police officers are slow to shoot and the criminals know this and thus are more fearful of an armed citizen. Private citizens kill three times as many criminals as police do. Remember if someone is assaulting you or robbing you or your house the police will likely only be taking a report not encountering the criminals. It is the citizen who needs all the help and assistance of weapons to survive the criminal encounter.

 Aurelia Masterson is an associate of Panama Legal law firm. She has years of experience in the field and now shares her observations of current events, politics, and law with the Internet community.

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