Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beast Sports Nutrition Featuring: Beast Chest Day With Sean Sarantos and BodyRockTV #FitFam Motivation: Meet Ashley and Anna

Beast Chest Day With Sean Sarantos

An inside look at Team Beast Athlete Sean Sarantos performing one of his chest day workout routines.

Check us out at http://www.beastsports.com to see info on our Team Beast Athletes. Check back often for the latest articles on training, nutrition, motivation, workouts, recipes and more!

 Read blog posts from Sean Sarantos here: https://beastsports.com/?s=sean+sarantos 

Check out all our products and official merchandise here: https://beastsports.com/products/ 

 Sean Sarantos is a sponsored fitness athlete and a physical and occupational therapist. He enjoys helping others realize better health and fitness, and he also enjoys brightening everyone’s day with his sense of humor. He has created the Fit Freak Project, which is another way to help people realize their goals through exercise and nutrition.


 #FitFam Motivation: Meet Ashley and Anna


Come for the workouts, stay for the company! That’s the message behind the incredible successes of this week’s featured members of BodyRock’s #FitFam. Motivation and sheer grit will only get you so far. Being human means faltering, and when we do, having the right people around us can be the difference between staying down, and getting back up and moving on. That’s why so many of the stories featured in our #MotivationMonday blogs come from within our Insider’s Group on Facebook: it’s a community of like-minded people who believe whole-heartedly in the strength of support.
See how it’s changed the lives of these BodyRockers! And if you haven’t already, join our Insider’s Group!

Meet Ashley

I’m a mamma of three. I just started my own business and work another full-time job so time is tight. I was looking for workouts that didn’t involve me going to the gym, and were affordable. I stumbled across BodyRock and BAM!  It met ALL my needs. The BodyRock community is another reason I’ve stuck around. There’s no shortage of motivation with this tribe.

I’m a mamma of three. I just started my own business and work another full-time job so time is tight. I was looking for workouts that didn’t involve me going to the gym, and were affordable. I stumbled across BodyRock and BAM!  It met ALL my needs. The BodyRock community is another reason I’ve stuck around. There’s no shortage of motivation with this tribe.

Meet Anna

BodyRock is amazing! Not just with fitness but a whole lifestyle and support, so thank you! These are my results from Lisa-Marie’s anti-cellulite routine. I’d say it’s working!
Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories to lisa@bodyrock.tv.

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