Sunday, July 28, 2019

iHealthTube Featuring: What Every Woman Should Know About PCOS and PCOS – Awareness , Symptoms AND Treatment.

There can be so many symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome which can make it hard to diagnose. Dr. Felice Gersh is an expert on the topic. She explains what to look for and why it's causing symptoms. She also discusses options for treatment and what you can do to get your health and hormones back on track!

PCOS – Awareness , Symptoms AND Treatment.

By: Rakshit Agrawal

PCOS which stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is basically caused through various hormonal imbalances in the human body. There is no specific cause or reason known for this syndrome, though Stress is considered to be one of the main causes of hormonal havoc in the body which can lead to PCOS. This syndrome is very common among women and thus its awareness is increasing now. Though it is not fatal or something to hide about a person going through this syndrome must consult a doctor and take treatment and make some lifestyle changes. People may scare you that it can be cancerous/ malignant but in most it is benign, do not panic or get fooled.

With the modernization of time the lifestyles of people have changed drastically. There is more stress on women be it managing their homes, families, personal affairs or jobs. Also the environmental changes cause hormonal fluctuations in the body as there is more pollution, more adulteration in the fruits and vegetables people consume, more resort to junk and processed foods. All these changes affect our body directly and hence there is a need for PCOS Awareness. Though it may just occur on the ovaries it grows over a period of time and its symptoms are not abrupt. Women must be observant about their menstrual cycles and behavioral patterns.

Few common symptoms of PCOS are as follows -

- Sudden acute pain in the abdomen area mostly left or right side wherever the cyst is

- Having too much acne on the face mostly around the chin area

- Increased growth is facial hair

- Irregular periods etc.

Just like any other health problem has a certain treatment and cure, there is treatment for PCOS as well. First and foremost visit a good reputed gynecologist. There are different types of treatments of PCOS among which one common treatment is being prescribed to an oral hormonal pill. It is a very safe option and not all hormonal pills lead to weight gain. It is fine to take painkillers as the pain is unbearable and stays for long hours. Along with medicine a person must make necessary changes in one’s lifestyle. On the priority avoid getting overstressed on anything and let go of things bothering your mind. Do not jump or do any heavy duty exercise which involves any abdominal movements. Keep a check on your mood swings.

Polycystic ovaries and diet plan have to go parallel. Because there are lot of restrictions on the movements of a person suffering with PCOS and cannot exercise , so it is very important to keep a check on the diet intake and the person must make a diet plan and follow it to keep the weight in check and avoid obesity. There are no specific ‘eat or not to eat’ type of foods for the ladies suffering with tis syndrome. A person can eat anything but in moderation to avoid a huge gain weight.

PCOS is a painful syndrome – for some pain occurs at its beginning and for some the pain occurs much later after the cyst has grown, no one really knows the main cause. But there is nothing to panic and can be cured with treatment from doctors.

Author Bio: For the past 3 years I have been writing informative and high quality articles on Health and Fitness. In the above article have covered topics such as PCOS Awareness, symptoms of PCOS and Polycystic ovaries and diet plan.

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