Sunday, July 28, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Clean & Press & Shuttle Runs

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Accepting change with an open heart

We are getting set to welcome a whole new group of trainers to the family.
We have some amazing new programs that have launched, and more that are on the way, including Boxing and our new CrossHiit workout, BR20 and BRX. We even have a 12 minute Fasted Hiit workout, specifically for female intermittent fasters. We are really trying to bring you guys the best workouts online.
A lot of you that have been part of our #fitfam for years are excited about the new workouts and trainers. We all have our favorite person that we like to train with, but BodyRock is a team. When a new player comes to your favorite team, it doesn’t mean that you have to like your favorites any less, or that they have become somehow less important. Teams work because everyone contributes. Winning teams prevail because everyone shows up from the heart. What I can tell you is that everyone of our new trainers and coaches have that dedication, and are showing up for you from the heart. Sean and Lisa have set the bar really high, and they are determined to train with us at that level.
Most of our trainers are new to the video space. They are trying to overcome nerves and their own performance fears. They are looking for a way to connect and be welcomed into our community. If you can, please take a moment to make them feel welcomed. Say hi, introduce yourself, give them a follow on Instagram. Let’s help them feel like they are part of our team.
I remember when Lisa first started. Many of you have come into BodyRock attracted by her magnetic personality and amazing fitness, but when Lisa first started, she was stepping into the shoes of our original trainer Zuzana. Not everyone was welcoming. Not everyone was happy about the change. Not everyone wanted a new trainer. There was pretty close to open hostility at the possibility Lisa would be leading the workouts. I was there filming, and I know that the resistance put up by the community to this change was really hard on all of us - especially her. Eventually, and it took the better part of that year, Lisa was able to win over her critics and fully step into her new role.
Can you imagine not welcoming Lisa or Sean all those years ago? Me either. When you open your heart to people who are all heart, some amazing things happen.
Lisa and Sean are central to BodyRock and we have no plans for them to go anywhere. They have a central place as long as they want, and hopefully they are leading BodyRock seniors in a few decades from now! 
We all have our favorites. Favorite songs, favorite friends, favorite trainers. But at BodyRock we are a team and a family. The more heart, passion and inspiration we can pull into this, the more we all can learn, evolve and grow. Let’s love our family and our team, and welcome our new trainers with the kind of openness and warmth that we treat any new BodyRockers.

With love,

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