Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with HB

Cross the Finish Line

Adapted from the resource Love Out Loud Devotional - by Joyce MeyerBeginning something is easy but finishing takes courage. In the early stages of something new, we get all excited about it. We have a lot of emotions to support us

However, when the emotions wear off and all that's left is a lot of hard work and the need for patience, that's when we find out who really has what it takes to reach the goal and truly succeed.
In God's mind, we aren't successful if we abandon what He's called us to do. He wants us to finish and do it with joy!
If you have been tempted to give up—don't. If you don't finish the thing you're currently involved in, you will face the same challenges with the next endeavor. Some people spend their entire lives starting all kinds of new things and never finishing any of them.
This happens for various reasons. Sometimes people lose interest or get distracted. Sometimes they aren't willing to press through obstacles that arise as they move toward their goal.
God doesn't promise that finishing everything we start will be easy. In fact, most of the time things don't go smoothly because we need to learn the lessons that come from resolving problems.
But we cannot let ourselves quit; we must rely on God's grace and keep moving toward the finish line until we cross it in victory.
Prayer Starter: Lord, I ask for a renewed strength and determination today to press toward my goals and everything You have called me to do. When things get difficult or I am tempted to give up, help me to see the value of remaining patient and finishing what I started. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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