Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jesse Duplantis Recent Messages Featuring: The Insanity of Jesus and His Extravagant Love

“If a corn of wheat falls on the ground and die, it abideth by itself, but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit!” Now, these words found in John 12:24 sound completely insane…unless you have the mind of Christ. Jesus was constantly saying and doing things out of the ordinary which caused the crowd – and even His own mother – to think that He was insane. [Video and More Below] In this hilarious message preached under the open skies of night, Jesse Duplantis explores the unusual and anointed way of thinking that Jesus Christ wants to impart into His people. You’ll learn that a sincere servant of Christ will take his law from the Master, and not from public opinion. You will also learn how to crucify your flesh and live the fervent life God wants you to live. No…it’s not crazy, it’s Christ! Enthusiastic, Fanatical, INSANE…consider it a compliment!

His Extravagant Love

Deuteronomy 28:2

Some people have very low expectations of what God will provide for them materially. They trust Him to feed and clothe them, but they don't trust Him to feed and clothe them very well!
Somehow they've gotten the idea that God's an old miser who will do little more than put rags on their backs and beans on their tables. But that's not what Jesus told us. He said in Matthew 6 that God would clothe us better than He clothed Solomon. That one statement alone proves that God wants to do more than just meet our basic needs. He wants to bless us abundantly. I know that from personal experience.
A few years ago I came home and found two expensive automobiles parked in my driveway. They'd been given to me to use by men who'd been blessed by the Lord through my ministry.
I was baffled. "Lord," I said, "I didn't need these cars. I hadn't asked You for them, and I wasn't believing for them. What are they doing here?"
Then the Lord spoke up on the inside of me. Have you ever read the scripture in Deuteronomy that says blessings shall come on and overtake those who hearken to My voice?
"Yes," I answered.
Well, son, He said, you've just been overtaken.
Am I saying God gave me those expensive cars just so I could enjoy them? Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
First Timothy 6:17 says, "[He] giveth us richly all things to enjoy." God is a loving Father. He gets great pleasure from blessing His children. He's extravagant where we're concerned. But don't let that worry you. He can afford it.
Once you truly believe that and begin to hearken to His voice, it won't be long before His blessings will be overtaking you.
Scripture Reading:
1 Kings 10:1-24
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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