Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Are Vaccines Damaging Our Children’s Brains? | Dr. Larry Palevsky at '17 The Truth About Cancer LIVE

It's a scary thought to think about all of the toxic vaccinations injected into our children so early during their developmental stages. Vaccine damage is now a global pandemic. Thank you for joining us for another riveting presentation by Dr. Larry Palevsky from TTAC LIVE 2017! Dr. Palevsky took an oath to "do no harm" and intends to honor that oath. This presentation encourages all of us to take a deeper look into the facts about vaccines. Here are a few mind-blowing facts. Currently in the United States: - 1 in 3 children is overweight - 1 in 6 has learning disabilities - 1 in 9 has asthma - 1 in 45 males with autism - 1 in 12 has food allergies and the list goes on... Discover more about what is being added to vaccines that may be causing dairy, egg, soy, peanut, and (possibly) gluten allergies. We always hear that vaccines are completely unrelated to any neurodevelopmental challenge that you might see in children... so stay tuned as we learn more about the very conflicting studies as to whether we are doing harm to our children, their brains, and their immune systems. So, who is responsible for vaccine safety? Go here to find out: Our mission is to educate the world, expose lies and empower people with life-saving knowledge. Help us and share the truth, by clicking the SHARE button above! ------------------------------- About Dr. Palevsky ------------------------------- Dr. Palevsky is a renowned board-certified pediatrician, sought-after lecturer, and published author, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. He received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987. Dr. Palevsky maintains pediatric consultation practices in Northport, Long Island, and Manhattan, and teaches holistic integrative pediatric and adolescent medicine to parents and medical and allied health professionals both nationally and internationally. He has been quoted in many national and local publications, and has been featured in many news programs, documentaries and radio shows. ------------------------------------- About TTAC LIVE 2017 ------------------------------------- In October 2017, more than 40 of the world’s most renowned and respected cancer and natural health experts came together in Orlando, FL, for The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Each speaker revealed their latest therapies and breakthroughs to beat, treat, and prevent cancer. The information they shared changed the lives of countless people and gave everyone hope for a healthier life. Because the truth is: There are MANY different ways to prevent and heal cancer... and we don’t want you to miss a single one. The knowledge you gain from these presentation excerpts can help eliminate the fear of cancer from your life and replace it with hope. Discover little-known natural therapies, treatments, and protocols to heal and prevent cancer from 40 of the world’s leading cancer experts. Go here to find out more: -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- Our mission here at The Truth About Cancer is to educate the world on ALL the solutions and choices available to prevent and beat cancer, not just the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation you hear from the conventional cancer establishment. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer and/or preventing it from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. TTAC co-founder Ty Bollinger traveled the country and the globe and sat down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer. Learn more about our latest docu-series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest here:

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