Tuesday, January 8, 2019

HitchFit Start Weight Training

Why You Need To Implement Weight Training
Weight training is more essential to your overall fitness than you think. There are many reasons that people don’t think it’s needed, and therefore stick to their regular cardio routine. Take a look at these 3 excuses for not implementing weight training, and why they are completely invalid.
Excuse #1: I Don’t Need To Look Like A Body Builder
Many people think weight training is just for those who want to bulk up and pretend they are “The Hulk.” Not so! Weight training is essential for overall improved physique and toned muscles. Toning muscles enhances the muscle appearance, not only making you look slimmer and stronger, but actually making you stronger! Cardio alone isn’t going to give you the definition you want. You can avoid the bulky look by sticking to lower weights and more reps.
Excuse #2: I Don’t Have The Time
If you have time to hit the gym a couple times a week, then you have the time! After an hour of cardio, though, who’s got time for another hour of weight training? You do! To effectively tone your muscles and improve physique, you only need to weight train for 20-30 minutes. If you can’t commit to 20 short minutes in addition to cardio, then cut your cardio down to 30-40 minutes! That is still plenty of time to build the appropriate levels of endurance and calorie burn. Excuse busted!
Excuse #3: I’m Strong Enough
You certainly might be strong enough for your daily needs or desires. But, as we age, lean muscle mass naturally decreases! If that muscle isn’t replaced with muscle, fat will sneak in and destroy your chances of aging gracefully. Additionally, you can help joint flexibility, weight management, and bone density by committing to those simple 20 minute weight training sessions. It’s not all about happy healthy living this year – it’s about your entire life. Physical fitness is a lifestyle choice that will aid in so many ways as you get older. Make sure you’re helping body to stay strong into your 90’s!
Check out one of our incredible programs to help you start living a happy, healthy life today! Looking for more than just definition? We’ve got a program for that too! Gain muscle in the healthiest way possible, and get your dream body!

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