Wednesday, January 16, 2019

iHealthTube Featuring: Does Eating More of This Make You Healthier?

Recent research is pointing to healthier overall lives if we eat something that most of us don't get enough of. Also find out more about fasting and how it can help certain people, and understand what that extra weight around the midsection might be doing to your brain! [Video and more below]

Studies consistently show that limiting carbohydrate intake can cause automatic weight loss.
Unfortunately, if you’ve tried to lose weight by cutting carbs before, you probably know about the intense cravings for carb-rich foods, and the inevitable binges that made you gain back all the weight (and more).
This is why so many people failed to lose weight with a low carb diet (even though it works). They would lose a few pounds initially, but they couldn't maintain the diet for very long.
This is where The Half Day Diet comes into play…
The Half Day Diet was developed based on the scientific research that says your body needs to be "low carb" for just a few specific hours of the day to get all the benefits of a 24-hour low carb diet.
So instead of depriving yourself of carbs all day long, you limit your carb intake for only half a day. After that, you are free to enjoy your favorite carb-rich foods.

About the Author

The Half Day Diet was created by Nate Miyaki, a professional nutrition coach. For the past 15 years Nate has built the most successful practice in the San Francisco area. His clients come from all walks of life, from soccer moms to Silicon Valley CEOs.

Nate Miyaki - Author of The Half Day Diet
Nate hasn’t always been successful as a nutrition coach. In the past, he would put people on diets. And it would work for some of them and utterly fail for others.
Despite his best efforts, there was a group of people that he couldn’t help. He was missing something...
Then one night he learned about a mysterious part of the brain that causes cravings. It's called the LH-VTA Loop, and understanding how it works is the key to losing all the weight you desire.
Later on he found studies on people who lost more weight eating carbs at night. When he told his clients to do the same, not only did their weight start to drop, but their cravings also disappeared.
Finally Nate had figured out a way to TRICK your body into burning fat as if you’re on a low carb diet – while you still enjoy carb-rich foods every day. This allows you to lose weight without the negative side effects of a typical low carb diet.

How Does It Work?

Nate has packaged the Half Day Diet System into an easy-to-follow handbook. The system is based on 3 key pillars:
What is your goal? Do you want to lose 10, 30, or as much as 210 pounds like Nate’s client Jon?
If yes, you will need to adjust your protein, fat, and carb intake to meet your weight loss goal.
If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. The handbook will make it easy for you. All you need to do is choose which macronutrient template fits your goal. And you will be eating the right foods at the right times in the right amounts for maximum weight loss.
Half Day Pillar #2: CUSTOMIZATION
Despite what many so-called “experts” say, there is no single diet solution for everyone. That’s why the handbook will help you customize the system to fit your lifestyle, your career, your likes and your dislikes.
Using the Half Day customization principles is like having your own personal coach (without the expensive consulting fees).
Half Day Pillar #3: EVOLUTION
The same diet plan will not work for you forever. Once you weight starts falling off, your metabolism and nutrition needs will change. Which means you will need a new diet plan.
Fortunately, the handbook comes with a variety of templates to choose from to fit your ever-changing needs.
For example, because Nate enjoys lifting weights, he follows a “Strength Training” template most of the year. But when he has to get ripped for a photoshoot, he moves to the “Beach Physique” template for a while.
And even if you hate exercise, you can follow a “Sedentary” template to get started and allow the System to evolve as you do. Get the Half-Day Diet Today!

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