Friday, November 23, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Corrective Medicine: Fighting the Disease, Not the Symptoms (Part 2) | Dr. Bradford Weeks

If you missed part 1 of Dr. Bradford Weeks' presentation, be sure to check it out here:
In part 2, he discusses a concept that he calls "NET", which stands for "Nutrition, Exercise and Thought". More often than not, in order to stay healthy, you just need to keep your NET strong. The horrible truth about corporate medicine is that it profits off of your NET being weak and damaged - forcing you into repetitive, expensive treatment. Keep watching to learn more about NET and the puppeteers of corporate medicine. For more information, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support our mission by commenting and sharing with your friends and family below. ------------------------------------- About Dr. Weeks ------------------------------------- Dr. Weeks completed undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College (major: Political Philosophy) then, prior to medical school training at the University of Vermont, Dr. Weeks worked in the Harvard system doing two years of research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s mineral metabolism unit working on osteoporosis (calcium, magnesium and vitamin D). In addition, he studied nutrition (including macrobiotics with Mishio Kushi in Brookline, MA), acupuncture, massage (shiatsu), music therapy (Tomatis method, power of chant), Anthroposophical medicine and classical homeopathy. Medical school at the University of Vermont was followed by medical internship (1 year) and psychiatric residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (3 years). He is a specialist in psychiatry and developed the field of “corrective medicine and psychiatry”. ------------------------------------- About TTAC LIVE 2017 ------------------------------------- In October 2017, more than 40 of the world’s most renowned and respected cancer and natural health experts came together in Orlando, FL, for The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Each speaker revealed their latest therapies and breakthroughs to beat, treat, and prevent cancer. The information they shared changed the lives of countless people and gave everyone hope for a healthier life. Because the truth is: There are MANY different ways to prevent and heal cancer... and we don’t want you to miss a single one. The knowledge you gain from these presentation excerpts can help eliminate the fear of cancer from your life and replace it with hope. Discover little-known natural therapies, treatments, and protocols to heal and prevent cancer from 40 of the world’s leading cancer experts. Go here to find out more: -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- Our mission here at The Truth About Cancer is to educate the world on ALL the solutions and choices available to prevent and beat cancer, not just the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation you hear from the conventional cancer establishment. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer and/or preventing it from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. TTAC co-founder Ty Bollinger traveled the country and the globe and sat down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer. Learn more about our latest docu-series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest here:

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