Friday, November 23, 2018


10 Years ago I had the great opportunity in working with both Karen and her husband in what would be their 1st transformation.  Over the course of  the next 10 years Karen continued living the lifestyle and making positive choices staying in a good place.  She was ready to take her body and health to the next level and holy smokes she did just that.  Busy with work and taking care of her children made this even more impressive!!   I am so proud of you Karen.  I know how many people you will inspire. Read the full story with transformation pictures
Starting Weight- 134 lbs
Starting Body Fat%- 23.96 %
Starting Hip Measurement- 38 1/2″
Starting Stomach Measurement- 33″
12 Week Results
Weight- 120 lbs
Body Fat%- 12.37 %
Hip Measurement- 36″
Stomach Measurement- 27 1/2″
I wholeheartedly believe that we are always just a few decisions away from a different life. I made the decision that THIS would be the year that I would put all excuses aside to get in the best shape of my life. Trust me– I have had a LOT of excuses….“too tired” “too busy” “balancing all of the things” “working mom” … the list goes on and on.
I went through a transformation with Micah 10 years ago and have stayed in decent shape with a clean diet since that time but I was ready to take it to the next level this time. I had a goal of seeing abs 🙂 This was a very small driver for me and the truth is that over the last few years I have tried to balance ALL of the things.  Being the best mom with being the best career woman with being the best wife … and while I can’t say that I mastered any of those things..what I did achieve was losing being the best me.
Being the best me has little to do with having abs. However, it has everything to do with taking the time to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
I knew that a transformation was required in order for me to make the most of the life that I was made to live.  I knew that it was time to go through the physical transformation because in doing that, the emotional and spiritual transformation would also be achieved. Read her full story....

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