Saturday, September 22, 2018

US Sports High School Football Update Featuring: Narbonne vs Lawndale - SoCal High School Football - Highlight Mix From UTR 2018

Narbonne vs Lawndale - SoCal High School Football - Highlight Mix 2018 [This Video and More Below]

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"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt...... keep reading

Michael Boyle
Years ago I wrote an article I titled Learning to Speak Coach. The article was a general overview of the idea that you needed to understand the language and culture of a particular sport in order to sell your strength and conditioning program to the players, manager or head coach.
In no sport is this selling process more difficult than in the game of soccer. Many soccer cultures have a disdain for strength training borne from years of seeing programs designed for American Football players applied to soccer.
Soccer coaches are famous for avoiding strength training, particularly the type they associate with American Football.  In fact, during my year working with our women's national team (2003) I was specifically told “ I don't want to see a player with a bar on their back or in their hands”. What the head coach meant was “ no heavy squats and, no cleans” and, I knew it. If I was a wise guy I would have said “what, no bench press” but, comedy or sarcasm wasn't going to help my case.  Just remember, as soon as a soccer coach sees what they perceive to be “American Football stuff” they usually run in the opposite direction.
Another area of conflict is in speed development. Soccer coaches are also famous for wanting everything to be done “ with the ball”. Running without a ball is viewed as a waste of time and is reserved for jogging in warm-ups. Sprints without a ball are also viewed as a waste of time.
However, as we discussed in Learning to Speak Coach, an understanding of the game can help to sell coaches on good quality strength and conditioning. keep reading.........

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