Saturday, September 22, 2018

Minding Your Business-Digital Decoded: Using AI to calculate the value of sports sponsorship

In the latest instalment in our video series exploring new technology, Marketing Week looks at how and why brands are using artificial intelligence to calculate the return on investment on sports sponsorship.
Calculating return on investment is a vital part of the marketing profession. As the role becomes increasingly about the numbers and the creative, marketers are looking for ways to show the value of their advertising spend.
In this video we look at the latest technology from GumGum Sports, which calculates the ROI of sports sponsorship and advertising using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Chief executive, Ophir Tanz talks through how the technology works and why brands are using it.
The Women's National Football Conference Kicks Off 2019! Get On Board Today!
The Women’s National Football Conference (WNFC) is a groundbreaking organization. We exist to create and foster an environment for female athletes to sustain healthy lifestyles through playing, coaching and participating in American football at the highest level. At present the sport of women's tackle football is disjointed. The market does not have an option for owners, players, and fans that have a higher standard for women and girls in football. For years, it has been ok to have women and teams solely carry the financial burden to play this sport that countless men and boys have access to for free; without a plan or significant effort to change that dynamic. Over the past decade, women’s football leagues have collected over $3 million dollars combined from aspiring female football players and their teams. No valuable investments, financial return or significant advancements have been made with these dollars. Our purpose, principles, and plans are rooted in the development of the most pristine women’s football product in the world so that those times eventually come to an end. The Group Leading The Movement... Read the full article...

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