Friday, December 8, 2017

WDT Students go through TASER training and Do Police Deserve Our Respect?

Police Deserve Our Respect

Police officers are persons of high authority and respect. Their duty is to protect every citizen of the country from any harm. They also maintain the safety of the people and secure them from all the hazards which may arise. Police officers also provide quick response during emergency situation. With these people in uniform around, we can always have a sense of safety.

Whenever there are riots or when some dangerous events exist, policemen are always ready to attend to the situation. It is the policemen’s duty to protect each person and keep them safe and secure from all the hazards which may arise, be it something intentional or accidental. This is one reason why police officers are seen as persons who are of high authority and respect. With their sharp looking uniforms, black boots and shiny police badges, who would ever miss them in a busy street? Indeed, policemen are one of the most well-known and prominent positions of our society.

More than just protecting people from social harm there are many other jobs which policemen are responsible for. First is that they belong to the authorized persons who will exercise the police powers of the state. Any laws, acts, or provisions made upon by authorities, i.e. public officials, should be implemented collaboratively with this department or national agency. Secondly, policemen are meant to help discipline citizens and train them to be upright citizens, not to become deviant persons who would add to the societal problems. Policemen are well known for these jobs, and through these jobs, they gain this sense of respect and authority in the eyes of society. 

Policemen are the guardians of the people and the protectors of the citizens from possible and existing threats in the society. With these armed people in uniform around, we can have a sense of safety and security in our homes. Furthermore, with the identification badges on their chests and arms, they would have this sense of responsibility and duty to care for the people’s lives and keep them safe from all harms of the society. 

Of course this was when the police men are still considered to be the friends of the society. Years ago policemen were considered to be beyond reproach. These are the employees who take their responsibility of protecting people seriously. Years ago your fears would be calmed when you saw these people arrive in the scene.

Nowadays this is not always true. The men in uniform  who once showed kids in the park the right way of throwing the Frisbee have been reported to be cohorts of kidnappers and the co-conspirators of narcotic dealers. These people who have sworn to uphold the law are portrayed in the news media as criminals, accused of police brutality and misuse of power, money laundering, planting evidence and many other police misconducts.

It is actually very sad that people’s notion of this noble profession was marred by the conduct of a few in the police force. For sure there are still good security personnel left, the kind that would not hesitate to risk their lives to save the citizens they have sworn to protect. But where are they now? Didn’t you ever wish that for a change a story of one of our best will be featured in the news?


Police are an important part of our everyday life. Police badges assist us in verifying the authenticity of the person in blue.  Catherine Williams recommends visiting our id card printer site and our id badge holder page for information on securing and carrying an id badge.

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