Friday, December 8, 2017

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Created To Do Good Works - Victoria Osteen

When you overlook an offense, that’s a simple thing, but do you realize the effects it may have? What happens when you extend forgiveness to a loved one rather than hold a grudge? When you take responsibility for the love and care of your family and go to work with a good attitude even though your workplace is a difficult one, do you know the difference it will make in your children’s lives, your coworkers’ lives, or in your own life today? Might it have an extended effect for the next week, or year, or perhaps even a lifetime? But I can tell you that when you do the right thing today, you’ll have an effect that reaches further than you ever dreamed or imagined, and it could be for eternity!
This is message #746, "Created To Do Good Works", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

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