Monday, November 6, 2017

The Strongest On The Planet Compete Here! The IPF Featuring: Trailer World Open Powerlifting Champinships 2017 in Pilsen / Czech Republic

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System-Custom Strength and Power Programs

These are a group of Custom Strength and Power Programs with some great additions and variations to the original Strength and Power Programs.

The programs with the word "Olympic" in the title will have the Olympic lifts (power clean, snatch etc) added in. The programs with "Advanced" in the title will use something called "phase jumping". Phase jumping means it includes a set that calls for one rep at an intensity level that is 5-10% higher than the work sets. This set has been added at the end of the descending warmup for the "bigger" or primary strength exercises like squat, power clean, bench etc. The set combinations for these exercises appear rather long, but usually half of them are actually warmup based! These phase jumping sets allow the body to neurally adapt to the training poundages that will be experienced in the next phase of training in the workout.
Included as one of these Custom Programs is an ACL "Functional" Rehab Program that is designed to bring strength levels back up over a 12 week time period. This ACL Rehab Program should not be done unless full range of motion exists in the knee joint, and physician clearance has occurred.  Get started today! Click here, fill out the fitness profile form and your coach will contact you in 24 hours or less with program recommendations.

Competitive Powerlifting is the sport of strength. The powerlifts squat, bench press and deadlift are increasingly being recognized as principal exercises in the development of an individual's true strength and contribute greatly to bodily health and general well being. These lifts are popular training activities exercised in gymnasiums throughout the world, with men and women of all ages being able to relate to, and enjoy them. Furthermore, the powerlifts have been shown to be beneficial in general health and fitness programs as well as improving individual's performance in other sports and the activities we enjoy in life. The IPF has taken it's role as the premier global powerlifting federation very seriously and we have worked diligently with our sporting partners and associates to become a responsible, high quality organization for athletes committed to drug-free, high-standard competition.

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