Monday, November 6, 2017

Online Personal Training Plan Teaches Healthy Lifestyle

Women Who lost 15 Pounds - Before and After Photos
I’m so proud of today’s rock star transformation Kelci! For Kelci, this transformation was about taking care of her body, learning a new lifestyle, and achieving goals that she wasn’t quite sure were possible. She did lose the weight that she was hoping for, but more important than that, I’ve seen her gain in strength and confidence in herself. What I love hearing in Kelci’s story is that she’s learning to love her body. What a gift each of us have in our bodies! It’s why it is so important to take care of them in the first place. Each of us are different and unique, and that is such a beautiful thing. I love knowing that Kelci’s confidence is soaring as she works on becoming the strongest, fittest version of herself!! Over the course of her 12 week Online Personal Training plan with me, she got her body fat to a much healthier spot, and scale dropped by 15 pounds. She’s so excited by this success that she’s already begun her next plan to see what more she can achieve! Congrats Kelci! So proud of you!! Keep living that healthy lifestyle and I can’t wait to see all the goals that you conquer in the future!
Kelci’s Weight Loss Stats: 
Starting weight: 152
Ending weight: 137
Starting body fat: 31.07%
Ending body fat: 22.08%
Kelci’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos:
Online Personal Training Before and After Photos
Online Personal Training Plan teaches healthy lifestyle - before and after photos
Online personal training teaches healthy lifestyle
Before and After 15 Pound Weight Loss
Kelci’s Story and Hitch Fit Review:
“I’ve had a long journey with weight loss, basically I’ve been battling my weight since I can remember. Throughout my life I’ve always felt like the “big” friend of the group, like I was never skinny or pretty enough. In elementary I used to cry and go home “sick” because I was made fun of for my weight. For any girls going through this, please know that you are absolutely enough and don’t let anyone tell you differently, I wish I would have known that piece of information back then. During my high school years I became very active in sports and lost roughly 80 or so pounds throughout my 4 years. I was doing great, but I still never loved my body. After high school, I maintained my weight pretty well, but did gain about 10 pounds over the course of my 4 years in college.
So with everyone now knowing my background, about 11 months ago I started working out almost every day and it was not working for me, I was maintaining my weight, but not losing any. I came to a point a little over 12 weeks ago where I was just ready to love my body and I was ready to do whatever it took. My husband has known Diana and Micah for a long time and knew that this program would absolutely work if I was ready to give it my all. I knew that I was mentally prepared to give it my all, so I looked into Hitch Fit Online Personal Training and saw all of the success stories of many of their clients. This was the real deal, it wasn’t just some diet or diet pills that “do the work for you” (nothing does the work for you) it was a new lifestyle. As soon as I looked into the program, I signed up that same day. I was very excited and nervous all at the same time, I did not want to fail! When Diana messaged me my customized program I became overwhelmed with all of the information, but she told me to just take it one day at a time. That is exactly what I did and here I am at the finish line of my 12 week program!
This program has done amazing things for me physically and most importantly, mentally. Do I have flaws? Of course, but I am loving this new body that I have worked hard for! Along with this new body, has come a new lifestyle and outlook on life. For the first time in forever (yes, I am taking that from Frozen), I can say I love my body. I still have work to do, but to sit here and be able to tell myself that I love my body is amazing.
While doing this program, I have strengthened my relationship with God and also with my husband. Without those two as my rock through all of this, I would not have made it this far. My home has turned into a “healthy” home and the whole family has started exercising and eating right. They saw what it was doing for me physically, mentally, and spiritually, so after about week 7 of my program my family was ready to join me on my health journey. We’ve been working out as a family, eating healthy as a family, praying as a family, making healthy choices as a family, etc…The bond that this has created goes so beyond what I look like physically after this program.
I will be doing another 12 week program through HitchFit here in about 3 weeks to further my health journey and I am very excited for what is yet to come! This is a lifestyle change and my new life is amazing!
Special thanks to my husband for being amazing through this whole process and even joining me on this adventure!
Thank you Diana and Micah for all that you’ve done for me and all that you do for others!”
Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan

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