Saturday, November 11, 2017

How to Lose 60 Pounds and 10 Dress Sizes

How to Lose 60 Pounds and 10 Dress Sizes

Amazing Weight Loss Story

I have an Amazing Transformation Story to share with you. Kristi dropped Over 65 lbs of fat, Lost 10 Dress Sizes,  Gained Muscle , Lost 11.5″ off her stomach, Lost 8 1/2″ off her hips and 27.5% body fat!! Kristi worked hard and followed the plan, the results were Jaw- Dropping!! Kristi , I am so proud of all that you have done and know how much of an inspiration you are to so many around you.  You did all of this with one kidney as you gave one of yours to someone in need.  That speaks volumes to me and so many.  You have become such huge part of the Hitch Fit Family and we feel blessed to have taken the journey with you!!
lose dress sizes
Week 1 Stats
Weight- 205 lbs
Dress Size- 16
Stomach-43 1/2″
Hips- 46 1/2″
Body Fat%- 49.58%
Final Week Stats
Weight- 147.6 lbs
Dress- Size 6
Body fat%- 22.08%

60 Pound Weight Loss Story


Where do I even begin this testimony…
My journey started in 2010 when I bought an online program. I dabbled in the Hitch Fit lifestyle and had lost some weight back in 2010 but I never had committed 100%.I had used this plan as a diet and then would go back to my bad eating habits. I had been following Hitch Fit on Facebook and watching all of the transformations and even cheering people on that were on their own transformation journey. I knew what they were doing over there at Hitch Fit was amazing. Multiple friends and co-workers had gone through some of the Hitch Fit programs and I saw the commitment and work that went into these programs.

Fast forward to August 2016 Micah had posted on the Hitch Fit Facebook Page that he was taking new clients. I knew right then that I had to jump at this chance. I didn’t have a big “aha” moment or a rock bottom, although I was certainly at my heaviest weight ever 205! Eek did I really just write that. I had finished my masters in Nursing and then donated my kidney, but those were still excuses for my bad eating and inconsistent workouts. It was time to do something for myself.
I jumped in and went for it. Working out was not something new to me. I had been working out off and on over the years. The first day is absolutely the most humbling experience when I showed up and Micah took my before pictures and then had my first workout. During my first workout Micah had me in front of a wall of mirrors doing exercises. I hated every moment in front of that mirror and did not want to look at myself.

Beautiful Bikini Body
Micah emphasized that I would not be able to out work a bad diet as I had tried to do in the past. That was one of my biggest lessons during this transformation. I loved that everything was there in the plan for me to follow. That is exactly what I allowed myself to do. I trusted the process and followed the plan.
My schedule only allowed me to work out once a week and sometimes every other week with Micah. I would get up at 4am to get my workouts in on my own. This has become my favorite part of the day. The workouts with Micah never got easier, but I definitely became stronger both mentally and physically. There is nothing magical or easy about transforming your habits and working to move towards a healthier lifestyle. It’s hard, but worth it. I eventually learned to appreciate workouts in front of the mirrors and acknowledging the way my body was changing based on the plan I had been following. Hitch Fit is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself!

I committed to the program and put a lot of work into making changes and ultimately wanting this as a lifestyle and not just a “diet.” My transformation is not complete. I still want to set bigger goals and continue to improve myself.  I am a work in progress, but I am down 58 pounds on scale ( but over 60 lbs in fat) and am so grateful to Micah and all of the Hitch Fit family. The transformation trainers are all so supportive as well as the clients from all over the world. This is one huge support system that I never would have imagined having in my life. The friends I have made through Hitch Fit (in the gym and online) have been amazing and helped get me through this program. I look forward to continuing to cheer on the current and future Hitch Fit clients.
“I encourage anyone who is considering a Hitch Fit program to just jump in and go for it.
Make yourself proud. You are stronger than you think!”

Program Choice: Weight Loss Plus

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