Monday, March 11, 2013

Breaking News IGY Nutrition Partners with GPG

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IgY Nutrition is excited to announce a partnership with Global Proving Ground and Warrior Island!

Global Proving Ground is where elite fighters from all over the world come to get noticed. The organization's #1 goal is to help fighters advance their careers. The GPG board of Martial Arts Masters have over 100 years of experience and these experts are there to guide GPG fighters every step of the way - from securing bouts and sponsorships to providing them with tools to help them successfully build their brand.

GPG is bringing MMA into a new stage with the creation of Warrior Island, a reality T.V show featuring 16 fighters battling to become the ultimate warrior.

IgY Nutrition, LLC is an emerging brand, positioned to take the field of workout recovery and performance gains to a new level. IgY Nutrition's #1 goal is to help athletes dominate their competition by providing products that allow their body's to recover and rebuild after hard workouts faster.

IgY Nutrition's cornerstone product, IgY Recovery Proteins uses a patented egg protein, developed and backed by real scientific research to delve the world's most advanced, safe and legal recovery agent.

This proprietary technology has been used in the field of immunology for over 10 years and is now being made available to athletes. Unlike any other product being sold on the market today, IgY works by partnering directly with your body's own recovery engine - your immune system.

A double blind placebo controlled study was conducted on Hyperimmune Egg Protein, the active ingredient in IgY Recovery Proteins, by Dr. Timothy Scheet, Director of the Human Performance Lab at the University of Southern Mississippi.

The researchers looked at several aspects of Hyperimmune Egg and athletic performance.

A double-blind research study was conducted where the subjects were split into two groups. Each group followed the exact same protocol with the only difference being which product they were given each day.

After just seven days, subjects in the supercharged hyperimmune egg protein group (the ingredient of IgY Recovery Proteins) increased their 1-rep maximum (1RM) by 5 lbs. 

The subjects were also able to perform two more repetitions on the bench press than the subjects in the placebo group. The same subjects also had less muscle soreness 24 hours following exercise testing despite being able to lift more weight.
The subjects also had a 9% increase in anaerobic power and a 6% decrease in heart rate during a running test, which indicates that the supercharged hyperimmune egg protein made it easier for the subjects to perform the running test.

Another major finding showed that the same results were measured 48 hours after the previous exercise testing session, which indicated that the supercharged hyperimmune egg protein helped subjects recover more quickly so they could perform more work.

Together, IgY Recovery Proteins and Global Proving Ground offer an unprecedented opportunity to MMA fighters. Through this partnership, MMA fighters will have the chance to show their skills to the world through a global competition and utilize the amazing properties of IgY Recovery Proteins to reach their potential during the competition.

For more information about Global Proving Ground, see  

For more information about IgY Nutrition, see  

CONTACT: Rachel Stivers
Phone: 405.242.5385
MMA Overload

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