Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Devotional: Saddness Be Gone!

In Touch Ministries


God Sees Our Tears

God sees and cares about your pain, so keep calling out and wait expectantly for His help.

March 3, 2024

1 Samuel 1:10-20

When we are in pain, it can be easy to cut ourselves off from those who care about us most—including the Lord. Yet Hannah, even in her heartache and disappointment over not having a child, continued to turn to God. First Samuel 1:19 tells us that the day after Hannah wept bitterly before Him, “the Lord remembered her.” She had faith in His goodness and believed He would respond to her request. She invited God to meet her in the middle of her pain—and He did. Later, when she delivered her son, Hannah gave him a name born out of both the pain and redemption of her experience: Samuel, meaning “God hears.”

Seeing God’s direct answer to her prayer provided Hannah with the faith to give back to God what she desired most: her only son. Hannah’s example shows us that engaging with God in faith requires open hands—both to receive and to surrender. Whether we receive the object of our desire or not, the promise of God’s presence is the greatest gift He gives, and it will never be taken from us. God sees and cares about every tear that falls. Through Hannah’s story of supplication and surrender, we find that even tears sown in bitterness can become seeds of redemption.

Bible in One Year: Deuteronomy 31-32

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