Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Devotional: You've Got Mail

In Touch Ministries


The Bible: God’s Love Letter to Mankind

Our Creator preserved His message in writing because He wants you to be part of His eternal family.

February 18, 2024

Romans 15:4

How amazing to consider that the Bible was compiled by 40 men writing in 3 languages on 3 continents over 1,500 years! Gather a group of people from just one generation, and you will have neither the consistency nor the unified philosophy and mission found in God’s Word.

Each book of the Bible reflects its human author’s personality and background. For example, Moses was the political leader of the Israelites in the desert; Daniel rose to the rank of prime minister while a captive in Babylon; and Paul, the well-educated former Pharisee, wrote his letters from prison. Yet every word remained true to God’s central theme—that His love redeems those who call on His name.

In 2 Peter 1:21, we learn why the Bible is cohesive: God Himself spoke through each human writer. In some cases, the Holy Spirit brought to mind essential details (John 14:26), as when certain material was passed down orally for the Old Testament or the Gospels. Then, to enable the writing of prophecies, psalms, and letters, God’s Spirit revealed important truths (John 16:15).

The heavenly Father loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him. For this reason, He used men from every walk of life to record His gospel message.

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