Sunday, September 24, 2023

Today's Devotional: Say Hello To Daddy!


The God to Whom We Pray

Remembering the character of God builds our confidence as we approach Him with our petitions. 

From Intouch Ministries

September 24, 2023

Nehemiah 1:1-11

Talking to God doesn’t always come naturally, but we have examples in Scripture to help us. In today’s passage, Nehemiah strengthens His prayers by recalling God’s character. Bringing divine attributes to mind increases his faith and confidence in the Lord.

Nehemiah begins by saying, “Please, lord God of heaven” (1:5).  lord, when it appears in all capital letters, denotes the word Jehovah. It means “God who is eternal in His being.” Why is this detail important? Acknowledgment of God’s eternal being is a reminder that God is faithful. Nehemiah prays with confidence because he knows the Lord keeps His promises.

The next Hebrew word, Elohim, is translated “He who is absolutely sovereign.” This name refers to the Creator and recognizes His omnipotence. Once again, Nehemiah acknowledges an important attribute of God—this time, His power. Nehemiah knows that the God who spoke the world into being is certainly able to answer his request.

We may not use these divine names very often, but we’d all benefit from following Nehemiah’s example of praising God’s character. What attribute of the Father do you need to be reminded of today? Take a moment to thank Him for this trait. Then approach God boldly and lay your request at His feet.

Bible in One Year: Micah 1-4

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