Monday, August 21, 2023

Fearless with Jason Whitlock - Damn Shame: How the NFL, Bill Belichick, Isaiah Bolden, and Feminism Killed Football

 Football died Saturday night in Green Bay, Wisconsin, when New England Patriots defensive back Isaiah Bolden collided with a teammate, laid motionless on the ground, and was carted off the field. Minutes later, the NFL made the call to end the game. Football’s death wasn’t acute. It was a slow, painful death that paralleled the rise of American feminism and the revolt against all things masculine. “The social-media matrix has trained modern male athletes and sports journalists to think like a woman: in all things, pursue safety. That is not man’s natural inclination. The pursuit of safety is not what made America the envy of the world.” Jason is joined by former Pats wide receiver T.J. Moe, who weighs in on his former coach, future Hall of Famer Bill Belichick, co-signing on the decision to stop the game following Bolden’s injury. Plus, Steve Kim joins “Fearless” to add his perspective on the end of football as we know it.

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