Saturday, July 1, 2023

Today's Devotional: Free At Last!

In Touch Ministries


Sunday Check-in With Dr. Stanley: The Truth of Grace

Believers receive God's precious gifts because of His goodness, not their own. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 2, 2023

1 Peter 5:10-11

Through God’s grace, we’ve received everything we need for righteous living: forgiveness of our sins, peace with our Creator, the Holy Spirit within us, and access to our Father through prayer (Hebrews 4:16). God promises to act on our behalf and meet our needs. Even His correction is an expression of love: “He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness” (Hebrews 12:10). 

Knowing that divine grace comes with all those benefits, we can live with:

Assurance. Our relationship with God is secure, and that status will never change. Nothing man says or does can affect our relationship with the Lord (John 10:28).

Confidence. God is always working to carry out His good, pleasing, and perfect will—and His plan cannot be thwarted.

Hope. One day we will receive resurrected bodies, take our place as co-heirs with Jesus, and dwell with Him forever.

As followers of Jesus, we remain in the grace of God no matter how many mistakes we’ve made. Even when we feel discouraged, these truths about His love remain unchanged because they were never based on our efforts in the first place. It is “by means of Christ Jesus” (1 Pet. 5:10 NLT) that God is gracious and shares His goodness with every believer.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 112-118

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