Monday, June 12, 2023

Today's Devotional: In God You Trust?


God Inspires Our Trust

Our Father in heaven always keeps His promises and never leaves us alone. 

From Intouch Ministries

June 13, 2023

Psalm 9:7-10

As far as children can tell, their mom and dad know everything and can do anything. And kids typically don’t question that assumption without reason (for example, if they see a parent mishandle a situation or someone else influences their level of trust). Parents demonstrate reliability by consistently providing shelter, food, and safety—and also by lovingly teaching, comforting, and guiding their sons and daughters. Then the children can sleep in peace, knowing their needs will be met. 

Likewise, we know that we can trust our heavenly Father because He has shown Himself trustworthy from the beginning of time. Psalm 119:90 says, “[God’s] faithfulness continues throughout generations.” He has never broken a promise, and His plans for us have always been for our good (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28). What’s more, God understands our weaknesses and never asks us to do anything that He won’t help us accomplish (Hebrews 4:15; Isaiah 41:10). We can trust that even in the worst situations, He will be with us (Psalm 46:1).

What does trusting God look like in your life this week? Where can you relinquish control to Him?

Bible in One Year: Psalm 15-18

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