Saturday, April 15, 2023

Today's Devotional: Hospitality Sweet

Sunday Reflection: The Beauty of Hospitality

Helping others feel included demonstrates the love of Christ. From Intouch Ministries

April 16, 2023

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the scriptures referenced throughout.

Throughout Scripture, the Lord makes it clear that hospitality is a requirement, not a request. We’re called to graciously welcome people (Romans 12:10-13). But hospitality is more than entertaining guests. It’s a way of living and interacting with those around us all year long, making a way to accommodate them when they show up. It’s about letting them know they belong—not only in our homes but also in our communities.

Our overtures need not be extravagant—we just have to be willing to give freely, often in small ways. This kindness and warmth are made evident in the little things we do to make others feel comfortable, but sometimes doing so requires inconvenience, surrender, or even sacrifice. However, being the hands and feet of Jesus to others is worth any cost we might experience.

God’s love for all that He’s made is a beautiful example of hospitality. He welcomes creation into existence and sustains all living creatures. And when we extend hospitality to others, we can delight in the opportunity to reflect this love.

Think about it

• Who in your life would be especially blessed by a generous welcome or act of kindness? 

Bible in One Year: 1 Kings 8-9 

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