Saturday, March 4, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: HitchFit Online Personal Fitness!


Are You Ready To Lose Weight? Click Here to Get Started Today!

US Sports Radio affiliate partner

Army Ranger Body Transformation

Johnny a retired Army ranger was ready to take his body to the next level.  I could not be more proud of his hard work and dedication.  Check out his Army Ranger Body Transformation.

He locked in not only the workouts and cardio but also his nutrition.  Week by week he started seeing physical change but most importantly mentally he was feeling it.  That smile in the after pic tells it all .



Johnny’s Results

Starting Weight- 201  Ending Weight- 192

Stomach Measurement 40″ Ending Stomach- 35″

Bodyfat%- 21.13% Ending Bodyfat%- 12%

Amazing Body Transformation


Johnny’s Story

Check Out This Army Ranger Body Transformation.  Today I am sharing Johnny’s  Transformation.

I had spent the majority of my life in the military. I had done two tours to Iraq and one to Afghanistan. I completed Airborne School and Ranger School. I was always looking for challenges and pushing myself to my physical and mental limits.

Then in 2017 I left Active Duty and entered the corporate sector. I felt lost and had no identity. I struggled to find my way and found that I was drinking to settle my anxiety along with that feeling of being lost. My physical health had deteriorated and I was not the person I was in the military. I needed to make a change and I reached out to Micah LaCerte of Hitch Fit and started the FITNESS MODEL PLAN.

He guided me and was there for me every step of the way on my physical fitness journey. What was most helpful is that Micah helped me to build back my mental health through working out again.

His program changed my life and I live a life focused on my fitness.......Keep reading......

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