Saturday, October 15, 2022

US Sports Self Defense Featuring: Concealed Carry Safety Strategies While Traveling



Traveling the world is a great way to experience different cultures and food. One thing I learned from my travels is that I have much more in common with people in other areas/countries than differences. Unfortunately, one similarity is crime. 

No matter where I've gone, from the sleepy little town in Kentucky to the hot tourist spots overseas, and everywhere in between, crime is a factor.

Targeting the Visitor —

Criminals are everywhere and always work to take advantage of the unsuspecting. Tourists, and yes, grifters can tell, are easy targets. Tourists probably don't know the language or culture. For example, it's hard to distinguish subtle cues of danger when you're not sure what people are saying or typical behavior. For example, it's quite common for middle eastern men to shout and get very close during normal conversation. This behavior differs from how western men typically converse. Not knowing the language also makes it more difficult to ask for help or convey what happened should you become a victim, and criminals know this.   

Visitors may not know the high-crime places to avoid and stumble into a location or area that they would avoid had they known. This is an issue not just when traveling to another country, but even when you're on a business trip or driving through states to reach a destination. 

It may seem minor, but visitors fall victim to financial crimes, particularly in other countries. You must know the conversion rate because if you don't, an unscrupulous person will almost certainly swindle you. Some places the police are corrupt and will stop you and demand you pay them or they might tow your car, arrest you. Tourists become the targets for all types of financial crimes and schemes, which can lead to physical violence.

Ask Yourself These Questions —

What would you do if a criminal took your money, id, and cell phone?? How would you call anyone? What’s the emergency number for local law enforcement? How do you get back home? How do you get money? How do you prove you are without identification??

You can see why visitors are such a prime target for criminals.

responding to a mass shooting

Some Safety Suggestions for Traveling —

Here are some suggestions to decrease your chances of being a victim:

  • Research the area, hotel, transportation, night light ahead of time. Make reservations ahead of time with reputable businesses and avoid accepting a ride or room from someone you have not thoroughly checked out ahead of time.
  • Check the hotel location or Airbnb for reviews and also the type of security the residence has.
  • Check out  for information on the area you are staying or visiting.
  • Check with your hotel or the host about secure areas to park and procedures for late night arrival.
  • Check the door and window locks on your when you check-in to make sure they are secure.
  • Lock up valuables in a safe if provided or bring locks with you.
  • Keep valuables with you and don't leave them unattended in public places like beaches and hotels. It only takes a second for an experienced criminal to take your phone, wallet, or other valuables.
  • At night, ensure you use the deadbolt and anything else to secure the door. Remember, most locks these days are electronic, and most hotels do a good job in changing the codes/cards, but you want to take the extra precaution for your own safety.
  • Check out health care in the area you are visiting because in case of a serious illness or injury, you may have to be transported a long distance. Several years ago, a cruise I was on stopped in Cancun to offload a patient who was in serious condition. Healthcare is different in foreign countries and when traveling internationally, look into supplemental insurance to cover you and the potential transportation back to the US.
  • Don't travel with large amounts of cash. Use credit cards where you can. If you have to travel with a large amount of cash, break it up between what you are carrying on yourself and what you leave locked in the room. The idea is, you won't lose everything if someone robs you. Consider wearing something like a traveler's belt that can stash away money or documents.
  • Check out local customs if you are going to a foreign country because what might seem perfectly fine from a US perspective could offend in that country. For example, you don't want to use your left hand to shake someone’s hand in the Middle east.

Consider Rideshare Safety —

You may have to use rideshare services on your trip. For domestic travel, it wouldn't hurt to learn about the firearm policies for Lyft and Uber. Here are some safety strategies for using a rideshare, and also the importance of being aware of your surroundings while waiting for a ride share

What types of things do you do when traveling domestically or internationally? Share away in the comments.

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