Wednesday, October 12, 2022

US Sports Fitness Featuring: Mother of Three Jaw Dropping Body and Mind Transformation


mother of three jaw dropping body and mind transformation

Mother of three jaw dropping body and mind transformation. Sarah had an “aha” moment that changed her life.

She decided she was ready for something new. She was 100% ready for change when she began her Hitch Fit journey with me (Coach Diana Chaloux-LaCerte). This amazing mother of 3 has been through it all. Addiction, homelessness, depression, she faced so many battles through her life, which has developed her into the warrior that she is today.

It has been amazing seeing her change, from the inside out. Day one, she was low on confidence, low on strength, and wasn’t sure she would be a success. But I saw that she had the biggest key she would need for success. The willingness to do the work, to follow the plan, no matter what. She was in it.

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And she did it, day by day, one workout at a time, one meal at a time. And changes began to happen. She grew stronger and stronger in every way. When naysayers tried to derail her, she ignored them and kept right on working and following the plan. The changes added up!

Sarah is a completely new person. She walks into the room with her head held high. She is fearless! Her newfound fitness, health and confidence has already had a positive ripple effect into every other aspect of her life. Can’t wait to see what the future has in store for this incredibly human being!

Way to go Sarah. We believe in you!! You are an inspiration, and it has been an honor to be a part of your transformation journey.

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Lose Weight Plans for women

Sarah’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats: 

Starting weight: 156

Ending weight: 128

Starting body fat: 37.07%

Ending body fat: 20.92%

Lost 9 inches off her waist

Lost 4 inches off her hip

Sarah’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos: 

jaw dropping bikini before and after

jaw dropping bikini before and after

before and after 30 pounds lost

jaw dropping female weight loss

before and after 30 pound weight loss

30 pound weight loss before and after

overcome addiction and depression


Sarah’s Hitch Fit Transformation Story and Review:

“I’ve fought a lot of battles in my life.

The hardest battles have been the ones against myself. The ones where it’s my heart vs. my mind. The mind plays tricks on you.

Sometimes, well a lot of times, through this journey, my mind told me that I couldn’t do this. “You’re never going to look good.” “Have just one more.” “I’ll skip today, I’ll finish early, you still look fat, you’re not enough.”

But my heart said, “Shut up and get out of the way and keep going.”

Somewhere along the way, my mind started following my heart. I could have never fought this battle without the ammunition Diana gave my mind, and the encouragement she gave my heart.

One person, believing in me, ignited the ability to change. I am forever grateful to her for that.

jaw dropping mother of three transformation

Growing up, I received a lot of sexual harassment from peers. Eventually, I gave up on myself.

I started doing drugs and hanging out with people that were on the same path.

I wound up homeless and alone.

Deep down, I knew there was hope.

That is the first time I learned to follow my heart and learned of my own strength.

I started my construction cleaning business piece by piece. Within two years, I had generated over $500,000.00 and had 40 employees. I worked like a dog!

I abused my body. I only got 3-4 hours of sleep and ate my first 1,500 calorie meal after 2 p.m. each day. I thought I was a bad ass, until I got burned out four years into the game.

I started having panic attacks.

I was so stressed and unhealthy.

When my first son was born, I shut the business down so I could heal mentally and physically. But I got up to 180 pounds and became super depressed.

I invented my company VAL, electronic locks, and decided to work on that business, but needed to generate income again.

I re-opened All American (cleaning business) and it was back to my old ways. I worked like a dog and never ate, losing almost 40 pounds with the good old stress diet.

Then came baby number two and three. My coping mechanisms became smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and eating 2 gallons of ice cream a week in bed.

I had gestational diabetes with my third pregnancy.

The doctor had a scary talk with me, stating that I had to cut out sugar or else. But that was it. I had no idea how to eat right. Like, zero idea.

After Duke was born, I couldn’t work like a dog anymore.

I couldn’t eat ice cream anymore. I couldn’t smoke.

I had pitching competitions for VAL and felt so insecure speaking in front of a crowd, and you wouldn’t catch me dead on camera.

That’s when I started to “stare.”

I would sit on the couch and stare at a wall for hours.

I was so lost, depressed and defeated.

Then one day, my friend told me about Hitch Fit.

I thought, “Good for you, that ain’t me.” I hate working out.”

Really I just didn’t believe I could ever do that.

But it stuck with me.

Out of nowhere, one day while staring, the thought came. F*@! This I’m calling Hitch Fit.

And I just knew, I was going to do it.

mother of three loses 30 pounds

It was more than what I could afford, but I knew it was about life or death. So, I hustled and made it work.

I had NO time for it, but I squeezed it in, whether it was night or day.

I had no prior knowledge, but I learned.

I was so embarrassed to run in public, but I did it.

I met a bunch of neighbors I didn’t know before. Now when I run, I have a fan club on the block.

Little by little, I lost inches but gained confidence and gained heart.

When I started, I was only able to run for 7 minutes, now I can run for over an hour.

I haven’t smoked a cigarette since I began.

I made multiple videos for my business and can’t wait to pitch again.

Soon, I will be on a live podcast.

I still don’t care what others think of me, but I care what I think of me, and I finally have myself back.

My energy lasts ALL day and my ability to think clearly has never been better.

I have not “stared” one time since day one.

I have never had muscles in my life, until now.

My journey has just begun, and I will be making it known that I would never be here without the help of Diana and Hitch Fit.

This has been 100% life changing.

I never realized that I would gain ALL the things I have by doing this.

Some people on earth are truly agents of God. Not just say they are, but actually ARE.

And one of them is YOU, Diana.

Thank you!”

from addicted and depressed to fit

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